Chapter 8

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Samandriel sighed, this was humiliating. But it was the only job he could find.

"Weenie Hut" Samandriel said to himself.

"They just put Alfie on your name tag!" Lucifer laughed to himself before being kicked.

"Oh shut up you demon." 'Alfie' hissed to Lucifer, who now harshly glared at him whilst rubbing the sore leg.

He slowly walked up to the brightly colored hut, which annoyingly was on a very busy street. It was shaped like a triangle and was colored red and yellow, it almost matched his uniform. And speaking uniforms, this one was the most humiliating part of the job. The shirt was striped with red and white, and the hat had the bold logo of 'Weiner Hut' on it. And he had light brown shorts that he had to tuck his shirt into. In one short sentence, Samandriel felt and looked, ridiculous.

"Thanks for walking me, now go away" Alfie commanded before walking inside and greeting his new manager. Lucifer rolled his eyes, he wasn't the one in a ugly uniform.

"You're a bad brother!" Lucifer yelled before trudging away from the clashing colored hut grumbling to himself.

Alfie sighed as he waited for customers to show up. He kept looking at his watch and waiting for his shift to end, even though he just started. He was only a couple minutes in and this job proved that it wasn't a very good one. He had a job before this and had always enjoyed it. He had worked there for a couple years, his coworkers had all been heartbroken when they learned that he was moving.

And now he had a new job, but everyone worked shifts one at a time, seeing the small size of the hut and the lack of customers. The only ones who were with him was a silent cook in the back who obviously had better things to do with his time, and a manger locked up in the tiny office doing god knows what.

Alfie groaned, causing the book to look up briefly, before turning back to his phone. This would be a very long shift.


A loud voice startled Alfie out of his trance.

"Excuse me?" The boy in front of him was leaning forward.

Alfie sputtered a bit when he realized that it was the same boy he had bumped into. It was really him. His soulmate.

A heavy blush covered Alfie's face after he had said his greeting, which was barely human.

The boy's shocked face was starting to make him more nervous. Alfie pulled at his shirt-collar lightly in an attempt to cool himself off.

"Oh wow!" The boy said in a dreamy state.

"I didn't think I'd meet you like this." He said with a large grin on his face.

Alfie was now blushing more and he felt a heatstroke coming on. He was pulling on his collar a bit more and was looking away in anxiety.

His soulmate laughed lightly at him and then stuck out his hand for Alfie to shake.

"My names Adam, and you're Alfie?" He questioned after looking at his name tag.

Alfie shakily took his hand and and shook it lightly while still blushing heavily. His hand was also very clammy, which embarrassed him even more.

"I-its short for...Samandriel." He said nervously.

"An angel name?" Adam questioned

"It's a family thing." Alfie said before chuckling with a couple voice cracks.

"Well that's pretty cool!" Adam said cheerfully.

"I was just expecting a cheap hotdog but instead I got a soulmate! And for free as well!" Adam laughed to himself.

Adam seemed extremely happy, while Alfie seemed more than nervous. As Alfie got a good look at him, he started to notice distinct features about Adam, like his bright blue eyes, slightly tanned skin, and how nice his smile was.

Alfie was stuck in another trance until a piece of paper being slipped into his hand snapped him back to reality.

He looked around but Adam was no where in sight.

Alfie looked down at the paper and saw a phone number and a little 'call me~'.

Alfie sighed again, but this time it was a lovesick one.


Adam smiled to himself. Things seemed to be looking up for him. He had met his soulmate, kinda had gotten to know him, and then had gave him his phone number.

And Adam found him adorable. He was so nervous, and looked cute in the uniform. And making him blush filled Adam with a sense of euphoria. He couldn't wait to see him again. Let alone actually start a relationship.

Adam's mind was just filled with Alfie. It was just all about him. Adam just needed to see him again. He hoped he called, Adam needed for Alfie to call him.

He needed him.


When Alfie got home all he could do was walk up to his room in a dream-like state. He ignored to father's greeting, and then offended face when he didn't even acknowledge his presence.

He didn't hear Lucifer greet him, or Castiel, or even Gabriel. And let me tell you, Gabriel's greetings were quiet loud.

He ignored everything. The only thing that was on his mind was Adam. Alfie was head over heels for those gorgeous blue eyes.

He couldn't believe that such a perfect person was his soulmate. Of course they couldn't just rush into a relationship. They should build up to it. But still, Alfie couldn't wait for the end result.

He had never been this happy in a long time. When he had come to this town, he was expecting heartbreak and a sense of helplessness. But instead he had met his soulmate and was truly happy.

Alfie was going to call him. He just had to work up the courage.

And right now, Alfie had a lot of courage.


I rlly like this chapter :p

But I'm not going to rush them into a relationship. I rlly hate it when authors do this. Its just like 'oh hey ur hot let's get married babe I love u'

But that not how a real relationship works!
It's so annoying when they just fall in love instantly and then get into a relationship without any problems. It's just after the characters kiss when they realize they both like each other that isn't the start to a bump-less perfect relationship without a single fucking problem, it just makes me so angry.
And trust me there's gonna be fights, being mad at each other, nervous to even talk to that person, and not truly knowing if you've fallen in love and want to spend the rest of your life together.

That's one thing I don't like about a soulmate au. The relationships are just so unrealistic. There has to be problems, doubt, having things you might not love about them, and kinda thinking first before you just fucking fall in complete and udder love. And yea I know that's what I just did for these two, bUT... that's not all there will be. You just gotta wait :l

Sry for ranting

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