Chapter 13

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The drive back had been comfortable. Micheal had fallen asleep for most of the car-ride. And Lucifer had happily driven along in silence.

And now it was time for school again. But this time, Lucifer really didn't want to go. He wanted to leave with Micheal.

Throughout the whole trip they had gotten to know each other, and Lucifer now knew why Micheal had a lot of hesitation of ever being with him. His parents were loving, if you were the perfect child. And that was a lot of pressure of on one kid. If he got anything lower than an A, then Micheal would've been grounded. If he didn't have an endless amount of friends, then he would be seen as a failure. It seems that his whole family was perfect. Each and every relative sculpted to perfection.
And if Micheal wasn't also perfect, then he would probably be disowned.

And now having a person like Lucifer as a soulmate would destroy the family name. So Lucifer had decided the moment they graduated, they would leave. He was ready to give up everything for this one person. The moment the words appeared on his skin, Lucifer was sure that he would hate this person, but now he knew that he really loved Micheal.

Lucifer entered the school with a sigh. He just wanted to be with Micheal. But now, he had to endure a whole day without seeing him. Well besides that one period that he has with Micheal, and lunch, and after school, okay maybe it was only a couple hours. But it really felt like days.

So decided to try and convince Micheal to skip with him. Lucifer grinned when he saw Micheal walking to his first period class. Lucifer quickly caught up with him and grabbed his arm and harshly tugged him into an empty classroom.

"Lucifer what the fuck!" Micheal said in a loud tone, holding his chest.

He smiled sheepishly, "Sorry...hey you wanna skip class with me?"

Micheal looked at him in horror. Was he crazy? His parents would literally skin him alive if he was caught skipping class.

"Are you insane?! I can't skip class, you know this." Micheal answered back harshly.

Of course his harsh choice of words didn't stir Lucifer from his goal.

"C'mon, it'll be really fun! It can be like a date or something." Lucifer said with a mischievous wink.

A date? Micheal blushed at this thought. He hadn't really been on a date before. Of course people had asked him out before, but he usually turned them down. Micheal was usually too busy for dating.
While he was lost in thought, Micheal didn't realize that he was being lead away from his class and to the exit.

By the time his mind came back to Earth, they were already out the door.

"Woah wait! I have to get back to class-"

"The door's locked from the outside."

Micheal gaped at him. The door's locked from the outside? He quickly ran towards it and attempted to open it himself. It was indeed locked. Micheal slowly turned around to scowl harshly at Lucifer, who had started sweating nervously.

"I'll buy you ice cream?" Lucifer suggested, at a last resort for his life.

Micheal allowed Lucifer to drag him over to an ice cream parlor. He was still angry, but he never got ice cream. Especially in the morning.

Ink | Sabriel, Adamandriel, Michifer, DestielWhere stories live. Discover now