Chapter 31

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The day was ticking by slowly, almost too slowly. It was a warm Friday, and the whole school seemed to be in a sleepy trance; with teachers giving slow, drawling speeches, and students barely functioning.

Gabriel was one of those walking zombies called students. The whole school was warm, making it the perfect place to fall asleep. The air conditioning had broken, letting all the heat from outside to quickly seep in.

To say the least, Gabriel was tired. He had gotten a full nights rest, had woken up without a hitch, and had come to school full of energy. But the teacher was just droning on and on, and the sunlight that shone on his desk made it the perfect temperature to rest his face on.

He sighed, staring at the intricate doodles on the laminated desk. At least they weren't boring. Gabriel had even forgotten what they were learning in this class. The moment he had sat down, he had drowned out the teacher's voice and went off into his own little world. All he knew was that he was in science. Or- maybe it was math? Gabriel stared up at the board, watching as the teacher wrote a different equation. Yep, definitely math.

He had forgotten how boring school was. Of course he went everyday, well almost everyday, but today was exceptionally boring. There was no new subject that he had to learn, there was no clubs that he could join, and there wasn't any stores that he was interested in. But mostly, he didn't have anyone to be with. Gabriel felt alone. All of his friends were gone. And hey hadn't even sent him a single text. He felt forgotten. It hurt to feel forgotten. He wanted friends, Gabriel didn't want to be left behind.

Even if he had Sam, they didn't hang very often. Sam had been trying to stay out of trouble, and Gabriel could see that. Now that it was nearing the end of the year, finals were weighing down of everyone's mind, poking around waiting for you to finally relax so that it could jump out and fill you with more dread. Gabriel had studied endlessly, he still wanted to get somewhere in life, but Sam was stretching that endlessness into a dark gloomy infinity. Even at lunch, he could see Sam staring hard at large, dusk covered books, memorizing each and every word.

And the strange feelings still weren't helping Gabriel.


Math, Science, History, English. They all had to be studied. They all would help Sam get into college. They would all help him become a lawyer.

It had always been Sam's dream to go to Stamford, and then become a lawyer. It had always fascinated him. Imagine being able to help the innocent and bring the monsters to justice. You would be a hero. And that's what Sam wanted to be. He wanted to help others who were going through hard times, he wanted to help people to needed the injustice of the world to be put to justice.

Okay, so maybe he was exaggerating it a bit. But it was still what he wanted to do with his life.

Yet lately, Sam had been having a harder time studying. He had devoted most of his time to studying, but most of the time the only thing he had been able to study was the textbook pictures. This book held vital information to help him pass his latest test, but even with this knowledge he couldn't seem to get a grip.

It was frustrating to say the least.

It was also frustrating when Gabriel couldn't just leave him alone. As of just an hour ago, Gabriel was glued to his side, constantly complaining about his endless studying and trying to convince Sam to pull a prank with him. But the worst thing was that Sam really did want to hang out with Gabriel.

Lately he had been having a hard time not speaking to him, almost letting out random words or sentences. Gabriel had reacted with excitement or a feeling that Sam couldn't decipher. He had noticed it when he had nearly burst out for Gabriel to go away so that he could study. It seemed almost serene, even affectionate? No, that was impossible. Gabriel had to feel those feelings if he knew that Sam was his soulmate, right?

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