Mini-ish chapter: Remember

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Frisk's sword glowed. They held it up, glaring at the melting man. Was Chara behind this? Frisk knew both Chara and themself didn't want Gaster to appear in this timeline, but what if... Chara had convinced him to be on their side? Frisk felt uneasy. That wasn't something they wanted. Through him, Chara could access powers to all timelines and...

Frisk took a step towards Gaster, someone who they had once tried to save. They had tried everything, but to no avail. And now he was staring them in the face, as an enemy. Someone they had to destroy.

Frisk ran forward, holding out their sword. Their heart was racing. Their eyes glowed.

A giant hand appeared above Frisk. The child summoned their shield. They held it up, protecting themself. Goop appeared near Frisk's feet. They stepped back, their face darkened. They noticed there was no escape. Gaster had glitched the path back to the Throne Room and Chara's coffin, so they couldn't run away. But Frisk didn't want to run away anyway. They had a monster to kill.

Frisk jumped over the goop and held up their hand. Their eyes burned with pain once more. Red spears appeared beside their sides. When Gaster approached them, Frisk unleashed the spears, forcing him backward. He glitched, melting once more.

Frisk made two Gaster blasters appear. They glared at the man that spoke in hands. Cody hadn't killed him before. Of course he hadn't. In the Void, Gaster was already dead. He was an illusion of his living self. But Cody didn't know that. Yet, Frisk did. And they were not afraid to kill Gaster now.

Gaster had been brought into the real world by... something. Frisk glanced at their hands. It had to be Chara.

Or was it themself...?

Frisk didn't care right now. Their only priority was removing him. 

Gaster made his own blasters appear. Frisk and him stared each other in the eyes. The blasts were unleashed, clashing in mid-air. Gaster's face was melting and Frisk's heart was pounding. Their determination pushed them forward. But Gaster summoned more and more Gaster blasters, and the power was too overwhelming. It sent the child sailing across the floor. They bashed their skull into the wall. Their soul cracked. They could barely move.

Goop appeared all around Frisk. Gaster was towering above them. Frisk felt rage race through them. They got up, slicing their sword across Gaster's body. He shuddered, allowing Frisk time to heal. Frisk ate some food. 

Their wounds closed up, yet their eyes continued to burn. They summoned more spears, throwing them at Gaster. He teleported out of the way. He appeared behind Frisk. He closed down on them. Their vision went black. The pain was burning them from every part of their body. They felt their skin being peeled off and their limbs melting...

But once again, they refused.

Frisk shoved their way out of the Hell Gaster had forced them into. Their skin was burning. Their clothes had been even more ruined. Yet their determination was even more prominent. Their sword glowed in their grasp. They saw the man in the corner of their eye. They turned around and began racing towards him. He had a Gaster blaster prepared. Frisk pulled out their shield, defending themself from being blasted.

A giant hand grabbed Frisk and threw them into the wall. Gaster, using a giant hand, smashed the child into the ground. Their soul was shaking and their HP was lowering. Frisk reached for food, but Gaster destroyed it with a blaster. Frisk felt themself shiver. Blood was everywhere.

Frisk, with another burst of determination, sliced the hand in half with their sword, only to get shoved into the wall by another hand. They hit it face-first.

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