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In the morning, Sans took the kids to this diner called Grillby's. Melody quite liked Snowdin, even if it was a little cold. She didn't like Sans and Papyrus at first, and even now she had mixed feelings. Strangely, they almost reminded her of Brayden and Faye. Brayden was loud and annoying, like Papyrus, but he was actually a pretty nice guy. Faye told bad jokes sometimes, like Sans, yet she was also nice. It was funny.

In the morning, the kids had found Brayden sleep-hugging Faye and the eighth human. Brayden was really embarrassed about it when he woke up. Melody thought it was adorable. Brayden was a pain in the butt sometimes. Melody wouldn't have become friends with him if his mom didn't ask him to. But she didn't regret it. He wasn't such a bad kid. Pretty nice when you got to know him.

Faye, on the other hand, was quiet, easy-going, and a lot more observant than she looked. Melody hadn't become friends with her until she and Brayden became friends. She was surprised when she learned Faye and Brayden were best friends, but they got on surprisingly well for being so different. Melody found Faye was a little too easy-going sometimes, but other than that, she was a good listener and overall a good friend. Sort of like Toriel.

Melody missed Toriel, too. Of course, Melody had her real mom, but Toriel was much more understanding. Melody's mom was just... selfish and a suck-up to her husband. Melody's dad was different. He had a lot of integrity and responsibility. He was quite a father to look up to, if Melody was honest. Even if he and her mother were art-obsessed. At least her brother wasn't like that, even if he was a goofy dork.

Melody followed the rest of the gang to Grillby's. It was a typical wooden diner with lots of tables, customers and orange lights. Melody's parents would never want her to go to a diner. 'Too old-fashioned', they'd say. And Melody listened. 

But this diner was different. Cody looked excited about the food. Ah, yes, Cody and Clover. Melody found Cody rather friendly. Like Faye, he seemed to be easy-going and kind. But there were differences. Faye was more mischievous and waited for her opportunities. Cody didn't always wait. He just tried to grab them without hurting anybody. And he cared about everything and everyone. Mostly.

Clover was different. Melody found her almost as annoying as Brayden. She was obsessed with silly cowboy nonsense and policemen. She was stubborn and over-protective. And she could be very rude (and, well, boyish). But, in the end, Melody did not hate her. Clover wasn't awful either. She was nice to anyone who was her friend, even Melody. 

Then there was the eighth human.

They were the strangest kid Melody had ever met. They had weird powers, they were determined, they were amazing at everything (including dancing), they never spoke yet you could understand them, they could see with their eyes closed, they were either extremely brave or dead-stupid, they knew everything and they did some weird things. Melody wondered if they were really human. But then again, no one knew anything about them. They seemed to be friendly, so Melody trusted them. For now.

Percy stood near Melody, adjusting his glasses. He looked uncomfortable in this diner. Melody could tell. Percy was tense. Melody knew Percy stupidly well. They'd known each other since they were babies. They weren't just best friends, they were family friends. Almost siblings. Percy was currently staying at Melody's while his parents were away on a research expedition. Percy came over to Melody's so often he practically lived there.

Percy, like Melody, used reason and logic. He was smart. Melody, if she was honest, was smart too. Hanging around Percy had taught her about a lot of things. Though Percy was terrible with people. For a long time, Melody was his only friend. 

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