Welcome to Hotland

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Cody didn't really like to hate, but since he was wearing an apron and a long-sleeved shirt and pants, he really couldn't bring himself to like hot weather. He did, however, really like his friends. Don't we all?

He stayed nearby Clover, wiping sweat off his brow. She and Percy were walking side by side. Cody was glad his sister wasn't mad at Percy anymore. Cody found Percy a bit strange sometimes, but he generally enjoyed Percy's presence. Percy was very smart and he knew a lot about everything (unless it involved interacting with the human species). He also seemed to get quite flustered around his sister for some reason...

Cody left his sister and Percy and hung around Faye and Melody. He thought Faye was really nice. Quiet, but really nice. Melody was strict, but Cody liked her too. She was at least nice to him. Brayden was ahead, checking out his phone. The eighth human was with him. Cody liked Brayden, even if he was loud and ever so slightly aggressive. But he liked food, like Cody. Oh and just about the entire population.

The eighth human was really weird. But they were so generous and caring. Cody hoped he could be like them. He didn't want to be mean to people. He only wanted to help. His sister said he was too caring, but Cody couldn't help it. He was going to be kind to everyone, like his mom wanted him to...

Cody's phone buzzed. So did everyone else's. Alphys had posted a status on the Undernet. Cody read it.


ALPHYS: just realized i didn't watch undyne fight the humans. well i know shes unbeatable I'll ask her abt it later ^_^

OtakuBoy: It's a shame you didn't get to watch that, I had an awesome transformation scene that was soooo anime.

Ilovecooking6: What does so anime mean?

~MelodyTrust~: It means it has to do with anime and such.

sevenleafclover: guys why are we posting online? we can just talk irl



The kids approached a bunch of conveyor belts.

"AWESOME!" Brayden yelled.

"Looks dizzy." Melody commented. Cody had to agree.


ALPHYS: for now i gotta call up the humans and guide them ^-^

~MelodyTrust~: That won't be necessary, we have the stick kid. Right?

mynameisnotchara: ...


Cody, riding on the conveyor belt, wasn't really looking where he was going. He ran into a monster named Vulkin. It was a kawaii volcano with little legs. Cody found it adorable. He loved cute things.

"You're adorable!" he squeaked, wrapping his arms around the mini volcano. It burned his skin. The pain made him want to scream in horror. His HP decreased. But the Vulkin cheered so brightly Cody couldn't bring himself to be angry.

"Bro!" his over-protective sister, however, got very angry. 

She joined the battle. She had her hand on her pistol. 

"It's just a little monster, sis..." Cody told Clover.

"Vulkin is helping!" Vulkin cheered.

"See?" Cody asked, smiling. 

Clover didn't look convinced. Cody pouted. His sister was too stubborn. Some of the others came over, including the eighth human. Cody knew his sister would hold back now. She'd told him how concerned she was when she shot the eighth human back in the RUINS. Even if they had healing powers, she was still furious with herself.

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