Chapter 16

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I stand beside Zayn in this room with fluorescent lights. I take Zayn's hand and it's soft. He turns back to look at me following behind him. A smile is apparent on his surprised expression. He tightens his hand around mine as we squeeze pass the people crowding around the entrance.

We come to the stand waiting in the line for the roller skates. I look at the people going round in the rink. Zayn's hand loosens and I pull my hand from his. I had forgotten I was holding it.

We come to the counter, Zayn talks to him while I continue to watch the people skating and smiling.

Zayn taps my shoulder, "What size?"

I smile apologetically at the man behind the counter patiently waiting for my response. I look behind him at the many skates behind his head.

"Sorry. Uh size seven and a half."

He smiles, "No problem. Though it sound like you didn't know your shoe size."

I laugh a little, "I kind of didn't."

He grabs for the skates placing them in front of me. I look at Zayn who is already holding onto his. Zayn holds out his hand to me. I gladly take it.

I like this.

He and I sit at a side of the room by the cafeteria. I slip into my roller skates lacing them up. I stand keeping my arms out to maintain a balance. I don't remember the last time I went roller skating. Zayn stands up and takes my hand.

"Just tell me when you get hungry."

"Okay." He starts to walk to the rink. I take my steps haphazardly, afraid to fall. He laughs taking my hand again.

"Come on I got you."

"Yeah you say that and then I fall and make you fall." I shake my head, "And I don't want to do that."

"There is nothing wrong with falling."

He walks us out onto the rink. My wheels start to move on the smooth floor. I grab onto his arm for more stability. He chuckles moving one foot then the other foot. I imitate his moves remembering how skating goes. It hadn't been that long since I went ice skating, roller skating isn't all that different. I loosen my grip on his arm.

"You got it, should I let go?" He asks.

"Uh I think you can let go." He takes his arm out of my grasp. I am skating on my own. I don't have any problem by myself. Zayn being the sweet heart he is stays at my pace.

"I think I remember how to do it." I start to move a little quicker. Zayn still by my side.

After being at Zayn's side the entire time I finally break away from him. I get the hang of it and I'm roller skating, not professionally. Just to ruin my good roller skater vibes I fall. I fall to the floor accidentally using the break on the front of the skates. I land on my tail bone and I wince at the pain. It's like a sharp blade running from your tailbone up to the spine. I sit on the floor as people go around me. One of the workers skate to my side.

"Do you need help?"

I rest back on my hands, "Uh no I'm okay thank you." He smiles and continues to skate. Zayn comes over laughing. He stops himself by grabbing onto the wall. He slowly turns and faces me. He still laughs looking down at me.

"Are you ready for a break?" He says trying to stifle his laughter. Such a gentleman.

"I'm more than ready." He holds both hands out to me pulling me up. The skates giving us an unwanted roll. I use the breaks, purposely this time. I grab onto his arms and pull my sore ankles out of these skates. I take them in my hand and Zayn shakes his head.

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