Chapter 2

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So now they think you have some kind of wolf sense? Ironic don’t you think?” I heard him laughing in my head and i got a sense that he was holding his stomach rolling on the ground.

“More like moronic.” I snorted and said out loud, “Ironic my ass.”

“What’s Ironic about your ass?” I turned around at the sound of the voice, crouching into a fighter’s stance, ready to duck any unseen blow and be able to strike back smoothly.

“Oh it’s you.” I said slowly standing.


Chapter 2

“Hey Sarah, where you just talking to yourself?”

“Hey Jacque, I didn’t hear you sneak up on me.” I said wondering why I never heard him. No-one was able to sneak up and catch me unaware… ever, okay maybe there was that one time when Hunter caught me with my top up, but other than that never. That just never happens and it happened… twice with this dude. TWICE. I think this town is getting to me.

“You dyed your hair.”

“Ya blond wasn’t really me.” And he would never know just how true that statement was. I didn't really like the blond look and my hair was growing way too fast so my roots kept showing. If I was going to keep up the appearance that I was blond, then I would need to dye my hair everyday and that was just too much work for me.

“Ya dark browns more you. Sorry, but you seemed too busy talking to yourself to hear me coming.”

“Just a little joke I remembered, that I finally got.”

“So what’s the joke?” Ah… crap, now what Em?

“You won’t get it, it’s one of those you had to be there kinds of jokes. In fact it’s not really funny after all, so what brings you here?”

 “I was passing by and thought that I could give you a lift to the clinic, help get you settled in on your first day.”

“Oh… erm that was nice of you. Thanks.”

“Hunter Jacque’s here. I’m heading off to the clinic so tell Jack not to wait up for me.”

“Snow what did I tell you about that guy? I don’t trust him.”

“We don’t have a choice here Hunter, he’s my ticket into the councils headquarters. It would be stupid of me to pass it up.”

“I still don’t like that guy and I don’t like this plan of yours.”

“Well I don’t like your plan but you don’t see me complaining that you’re not pretending to be gay.”

“Again with the gay thing. Just keep the link open, and don’t hesitate to let me know if anything is wrong and if that guy so much as touches a hair on your head, I’ll kill him.”

“Stop being so ridicules Hunter, remember eye on the prize. The sooner we get what we need the sooner we can be together like a normal couple.”

“Fine, just try to not take too long. I hate the fact that you’re there without any sort of back up.”

“I’m a big girl Hunter I can take care of myself. I’ll keep the link open for you, and I’ll let you know if I run into any trouble.”

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