Chapter 15

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Hi All

So I'm back and a Mrs now :)

Had an awesome time and i'[m glad to be back and writing.

Hope you enjoy the new chapter.





“No…” He said looking at me, his eyes welling up, he crushed me to his chest and I felt him shaking, while I was limp in his arms.

“I will not lose you. I will find a way.” He said holding me tighter.

I still had no idea how to react to this, there was just too much going on, I felt like I was drowning, like I couldn’t breathe. I pushed Hunter away to get some air, turning to asked Sammy if she was sure, but she was gone. I turned around in a circle and she was just… gone, vanished. My best friend turned traitor and the only person who knew how I was going to die and where. I had only six months to live, I looked at Hunter and he was crying, only six months to be with him and only six months to help Jake.

With that thought my walls broke and I crumpled to my knees and burst out crying and feeling for the first time the hopelessness of my situation.


Chapter 15

Sammy’s POV

I ran as soon as their backs were turned, I never looked back just ran. I knew telling them that Snow was going to die and then running wasn’t right, but I just couldn’t go through that. I had already seen the vision of one of my friends die and come true, I couldn’t relive the second one.

I knew that saying anything about Snow’s death wasn’t right, I knew it the minute it left my mouth but what was I to do? Hunter commanded me, I wasn’t even sure I was a part of his pack until that very moment. Snow, myself and the turned wolves weren’t initiated into the pack, there was too much going on, and there never really seemed to be time, but being commanded to answer Hunter just cleared that bit right up. We must have somehow subconsciously formed our own little pack while on the run, Hunter being a natural Alpha took up the head. Well it’s not like he didn’t order us around enough to be mistaken for being in charge, well all of us except Snow.

I was never apart of a pack before, in fact I was never apart in anything. It had felt good having a place, having friends to talk to, to open up to and now… all that was gone.

I slowed down when I realized that they weren’t chasing me and eventually I stopped. I should have stayed and told them what I had seen, maybe Hunter was right, and maybe there was a way around it. I shut my eyes and sighed, who am I kidding, I know there wasn’t … not this time anyway. I knew deep down that it was going to happen; I knew she wasn’t going to see the end of this year.

I pressed the palms of my hands against my eyes as I slid down the tree I was leaning against and felt my eyes water, “I’m so sorry Snow.” I whispered, wishing Snow knew how much I wanted this not to happen, that I didn’t want anyone to get hurt. I didn’t want to lose anymore of my friends.

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