Chapter 12: Lust and Other Drugs

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Kayla's POV

I stare at my mother a little surprised by her inquiry, but I quickly shook it off and smiled at her. "What are you talking about?" I ask, feigning confusion.

"Honey I'm not blind and I'm not stupid. Besides if you were even attempting to keep your little relationship a secret then you probably shouldn't be kissing in the middle of the driveway." She smirked and patted my leg in a motherly manner. "I knew it!"

"Mom..." I trailed off averting my eyes away from her.  My entire face turned red in embarrassment as she grinned widely at me. 

"So when did this happen, Kayla?" She questions crossing one leg over the other and leaning against the back of the couch.  She quirked a brow awaiting my answer.  I didn't know how to explain it to her and I didn't know where to start.  I knew my mother was a very understanding person, but I was still her daughter and she wasn't so lenient when it came to having sex.

She wanted me to wait until I was married and to her I was still waiting.

"So are you going to tell me when this all happened?"

"It happened about two weeks ago, we were talking and stuff and we made it official the other day."

"Aww so what made you finally admit to yourself that you had a crush on him?" She continued.

"Mom, I don't want to talk about it."  I stood and stalked over towards the window.  I pull the curtains back to see Landon walk out the door of his house with his ear buds in and his basketball shorts on.  I watched him as he began to walk down the street. 

"Watching for Landon, eh?" I quickly release the curtains allowing them to fall back into place.  "I like this.  What do you like about him?"

Sighing heavily I turn back to her with an irritated expression.  "Mom, he's a jerkface." She frowned, my answer throwing her off guard. "But he's a sweet jerkface."

Her frown quickly turned up in a happy smile as I continued, "He has a super huge ego and that gets on my nerves, but he's also funny.  I laugh so much, and it's because he's this goofball dumb –"I stop in the midst of my curse word.  "He's dumb."

"That's all you like about him?" she asks.

"No,'s so much more, but I don't know it's so weird talking about it."

"Why?  I'm your mom, you can be open with me."

"He makes me want to cuss him out.  I want to constantly cuss him out, but there's something about him that I just like.  At first I thought it was simple attraction, but now I find myself getting jealous when he talks to girls.  Well that was before, now I trust him. I guess I just like him, if that even makes sense."

"It does, it's just..." she stopped, looking over at me with a quizzical expression.  "Are you two intimate?"

I was silent, turning away from my mother as my heart vigorously pounded inside of my chest. I didn't know whether I wanted to tell her or lie to her and keep it all to myself. 

"Mom, I don't want to lie to you.  We've been intimate with one another."

She nodded digesting the information that I had given her.  She didn't seem angry, but she didn't seem too pleased.  What parent would be pleased by the aspect of their daughter having sex? If my father was still around he would've probably pulled out a shot gun and searched the entire town for Landon.

"Okay."  She ran her hand down her face coming to terms with what I had just told her. "Well, I know I've had the 'talk' with you before, but I think it's time for the bigger 'talk'."  She patted the seat next to her and gave me an unsure smile.

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