Chapter 43

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It's late the following Friday afternoon and I see Daniel's name flash up on my phone. Even all these months later, my heart still skips a beat.

"Hey beautiful. Guess who is in town?" He can't even contain the excitement in his voice, so I know exactly who it is.

"I'm guessing... Oscar." I laugh at how much like a little boy he sounds.

"Yep, Harriet is with him. We free to see them tonight about 7?"

"Yeah, of course. I'll leave here early to come and get ready. Love you."

"Love you more."

We meet for dinner and it really is lovely to see them both again. As expected the food is divine.

"So have you heard from the hot blond, Charlie, I think his name was since you saw him in L.A.?" Daniel glances at me when she asks the question, but pretends that he is fully absorbed in his conversation with Oscar.

"Nope, not a word since that night." I try to laugh and make light of the whole thing, but the truth is I miss Charlie being in my life. I'm still too angry to make contact with him yet, but I will soon. I need to sort it out with him. It's clear that Harriet is trying to get up to speed on all the gossip since the last time we saw her.

"Daniel, how is the divorce going?" I'm shocked by her abruptness, most people skirt round the issue with him. I try not to mention it very often because I know it is painful for him that Lucy is still trying to claim a share of everything he has worked so hard for.

"Still ongoing unfortunately. We have a hearing in three weeks, so hoping it will all be over then. The private investigator I hired has informed me that he's found out some really shocking information that will apparently help my defence to her claims. But he doesn't want to disclose it piecemeal. He's promised me that once all the evidence is corroborated then the report should be completed soon." Daniel shakes his head and takes a long drink of his whiskey. "God knows what is going to be in there, but I need it to be over now so I can move on." He looks at me and smiles. "The house has sold too, that should complete soon. Problem is I can't buy anything else until after the hearing so it's just a waiting game now."

"Once it's over you can put that bitch in the past where she belongs. To the future." Oscar raises his glass in a toast and we all join in. I take hold of Daniel's hand and give it a little squeeze to let him know that he has my full support.

The next morning I have a bad hangover from too much tequila (Harriet's fault) and from not enough sleep (Daniel's fault). I force myself to go for a run to clear my head and by the time I get back I feel human again. I'm glad that I can run on my own again now, it gives me time to think.

I can tell as soon as I step into my flat that Daniel has something to say. His mannerisms change when he is anxious and he won't stop fidgeting.

"I've been speaking to Chris. You know my break is coming to an end and I have to start filming soon back in Ireland." I'm already dreading Daniel filming away, even though it is still a few weeks yet. I just nod and try to keep my face neutral. "Well what do you think about going public with our relationship before I go?"

I burst out laughing which takes him by surprise. "Daniel we are on the gossip sites and various social media accounts most days. Caroline and Sarah like to send me the most ridiculous stories, you know that. Especially the ones where I'm photoshopped out for various actresses your fans think you should be with. You make the headlines if we go food shopping, so I think the world knows that we're together."

"I know, but that's not us being official. You have asked that I don't mention us in interviews so far, which I totally respect. But now... I'm ready for everyone to know how I feel about you and to let everyone know that we are a couple. Look, I'm due to attend a conference about the new film. I've been told that there is going to be a red carpet thing and a party afterwards." He pauses and lets out a shaky breath. "So, Chris thought it would be a good idea if we attended together. I know you're not sure about the whole red carpet thing, but I want you by my side. Also, with my divorce hearing coming up Chris thinks it would be good publicity to show that we are committed to each other regardless of the outcome."

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