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*Next Day, Meet twins parents*
I woke up and I went to say hi to Haley and Gray but they weren't there. So I decided to call them "Hey Haley where are you guys?" "Oh I spent the night at Grays place" "Oh ok well what time do I have to be there?" "Try coming at 1:00" I heard Grayson say over the phone "ok I guess I'll see you soon" as I hung up the phone. I made myself some breakfast and sat at the table all alone. This is weird being home alone. I was some tv shows until it was 11:40am so I could get ready. I took a shower. Blow dried my hair so I could straighten it. I did my makeup but made sure I didn't look like I had much. I still haven't gotten dress so I couldn't get makeup on it. I went to my room to put my outfit on and put my favorite sandals on. I was walking to my car then I get a call from Grayson "Hey gray what's up?" "Hey Hannah i just wanted to say when you get here please don't stress about comments Ally might make I want you to have a good time cause lately you haven't" "Thanks Gray so thinking of me and I'll try not to" "ok see you soon" "see you soon" as I hung up the phone. It's so sweet that he's thinking ahead about me. While I was driving to there apartment I was a little nervous to meet there parents cause I want them to like me even though I'm not a girlfriend. I pull up to the parking lot and have nots in my stomach. I walked up to there door and knock. A girl opened the door "Hannah right?" "Yea" I was a little confused "Oh I'm Cameron there older sister" as I gave her a hug "They didn't tell me that they had an older sister" "oh it's ok" as I walked in the house. Ally was sitting on the couch on her phone but once she saw me she gave a dirty look and rolled her eyes. "Hi Mr. & Ms. Dolan it's nice to finally meet you" "Please call me Lisa" "And call me Sean" as they each gave me a hug "Ok" having a little laugh. We all went to sit in the living room. "We've heard so much about you my son won't shut up about you" I laughed "Which one?" "Ethan obviously" I was kind of shocked. I looked over to all to see if she heard and she did and she was pissed. We kept talking and talking they didn't even talk to Ally and she was right next to them. Cameron is so cool and really pretty. I think Lisa and Sean really like me they were send good vibes to me. "Hannah can you come help me please?" Haley yelled "Yea sure, excuse me for a second" walking over to Haley. I helped her with last touch on her hair and makeup. She looks so beautiful. "Btw they told me that they like you a lot" giving her a big smile "Good thanks Rose" hugging me tightly. Everyone was ready so grabbed our stuff and went to the restaurant. I went in my own car but someone wanted to go with me it was Cameron. We got in my car. "We need to talk" Cameron says "Sure" looking at her "Does Ethan not know what Ally did to you at the airport couple of days ago?" I gave her a shocked look how does she know about that "No Ally is keeping from him" "That bitch I'm going to confront her when we get there" "Please don't he's happy with her and I don't want it to be my fault that they break up please" begging her "I'll try not to" as she looked out the window "Btw my parents don't like Ally at all they get a very bad vibe from her they even told me they would like it if you were Ethan's girlfriend and it's true he never shuts up about you" I gave her a shocked look. We get to the restaurant. I was sitting next to Cameron and Lisa and Sean were across from us then Haley and Gray next to me and Ethan and Ally were across from them. We ordered our drinks. Then we started to talk and have a good time. "Ethan I want to show you something right now" as Cameron got her phone out. Oh no she's going to show him the video.

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