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"Hannah Williams family/friends" the doctors said. "Yes" "Well me finally got all of the glass out it was very deep in her foot and it was a big glass and If we couldn't take it all out she probably wouldn't be able to walk on her right foot again" "Thank you so much doctor, when are we able to see her" I said relived. "Well they are taking her to the room right now so in a couple minutes but she might not wake up." Five minutes later they tell us her room number and what floor. She's on floor 4 room 170A. I just wanted to see her beautiful face. We open the door and she's hooked up to a couple of machines to help her out. She still looked so beautiful with all this stuff connected to her. Haley started to cry "Your ok Hannah I'm here don't worry, we're all here" Haley said sobbing. I held one hand and Haley held the other hand. We all stayed the night at the hospital but Sam couldn't cause he had photoshoot with someone so he had left. But before we went to bed Haley and Grayson went home to get stuff that we will need while we stay in the hospital with her. I was left alone with Hannah holding her hand not wanting to let go. "Hannah I just want to tell you this, I know we haven't known each other for a long time but I am here for you no matter what, there's something about you that just doesn't want to let go of you, your like a rare flower on a beautiful island, when I see your smile my heart stops on how big, beautiful, and contagious it is, never letting go, your the best thing that's happened in my life." *20 minutes pass*
Gray and Haley get back and also have food with them. While we ate the nurses were coming in the room with another bed for us "Here you guys go, we know you won't be able to fit on this couch" one nurse said smiling "Thank you so much" Haley replied. "You and Gray can have the bed I'll sleep on the couch" "You sure E, I can sleep on the couch if you want" Haley said looking at me "No it's fine trust me it's ok" "Goodnight guys" "Night" "Sweet dreams Hannah." I couldn't fall asleep she was stuck in my head. I could see Haley and Gray were cuddling in the bed. I'm proud of my bro getting a beautiful girl he cares about and a girl who cared about him, hopefully Hannah feels the same way about me too.

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