Chapter 24

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I drove home, I didn't know where Ana was and I didn't know what else to do.

Thankgod Brian was gone because I was pretty pissed off at him.

Hopefully Ana would get my message soon and call, maybe we could hang tonight.

I sat on the couch.

I hated the thought that Ana was out there somewhere thinking I was sick and tired of her. Nothing could be further from the truth, god I adored her.

My phone rang. It was Jimmy.

"What's up." I answered.

"Hey have you seen Josh?" he asked.

"No not at all. Why?" I asked.

"Ana's looking for him." he told me.

Ana had called Jimmy, not me, she also must have gotten my message, but she didn't call me back.

I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. What a fuck up this was.

"Matt, her mom's in hospital and nobody can find Josh, he needs to be there."

Her mom was in hospital and she hadn't called me, at all.

Fuck I was pissed off.

I had to get there.

"Jimmy I gotta go." I said

"Yes go." he hung up.

I got up, damn I was hurt that she hadn't called me,  but whose fault was that.

I drove as quickly as I could, she needed me, I needed to be there.

I parked and went in and made my way up to the floor her mom was on.

I walked to the door of the waiting room and there she was, curled up on a chair with her eye's closed, alone.

I stood there and looked at her for a minute.

God please don't let this be happening,  I thought, not with Ana and not now.

I walked into the room, she didn't hear me.

"Hey" I said softly.

She opened her eye's and looked at me and I saw surprise in them, surprised that I was here.

"Matt, you didn't have to come." she said sitting up.

I wanted to yell at her, YES I FUCKING DID, YOU NEEDED ME.

"Of course I did." I said quietly sitting down "How is she?"

She shrugged "Nobody has said anything."

I hated this, she should be in my arm's and I should be comforting her but she was just sitting there staring at me awkwardly.

I didn't know what to say.

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