Chapter 6

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Matt's POV

I woke up and wondered where I was for a minute then I heard breathing beside me and remembered I was at Ana's.

I rolled over and looked at my phone, it was 2.57am.

Why the hell was I wide awake.

I wanted to wake Ana up but I knew she'd be angry at me.

I layed there and stared at the ceiling and thought about things.

I thought about Jake, Ana hadn't mentioned him at all and I wondered why that was. I really hoped they'd broken up. Ana deserved so much more than him, he was such an ass.

I rolled over and looked at Ana, she was curled up on her side facing me, and the blankets bunched at the bottom of her feet.

I smiled, ever since I could remember she'd slept like this, even in winter.

I was worried about what was going to happen with her mom, Ana was going to be devastated but I'd planned on being there for her, no matter what, she was going to need me.

I hated this thought, the idea of what was eventually going to happen,  I was afraid that it might change Ana, and of course it would,  but call me selfish, I didn't want to lose my best friend,  the one who was always there for me, with a smile and a hug, always getting me out of some sort of trouble.

I closed my eyes and willed these thoughts away, I wouldn't think about it until the time came.

I looked at my phone.
Hey, wake up!

I pressed send and almost instantly I heard her phone go off.

"God Matt." she groaned opening her eye's.

I couldn't help but laugh.

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