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*this imaginé includes all the boys

I was staying with the boys from why don't we because my manager Thalia  thought it would be a good idea, since I'm Going on tour with them. (in this Imagine your a YouTube's/singer).
I've been living with them for about a month and I've gotten really close to all of them. They're all super nice and respectful towards Me.

This morning I woke up kinda late because I was up all night editing my video for my YouTube channel.
When I got up I went to take a shower. Unfortunately I noticed that my coconut shampoo was almost empty meaning someone had used it.

I finished taking a shower and got dressed. I headed to the living room where the boys were.
They were all sitting on the  watching a movie.

"Good morning guys" I said

The mumble a bunch of good mornings in response.

"so um i went to take a shower this morning and noticed that my shampoo was empty. any of you know why?" i asked eyeing them suspiciously

they shifted uncomfortably. all of them said no at the same time which made me even more suspicious.

"which ever one of you who used it owns me a new bottle" i said as i shrugged and walked towards the kitchen.

i ate breakfast and headed back to my room. i stared at the boys as i walked by them.

truth be told i don't really care that one of them used my shampoo, i just like messing with them.

about 5 minutes later corbyn walks in and gives me an apologetic look.

"y/n im really sorry. it was me that used your shampoo. it's just that it makes my hair really soft' he said touching his hair

"i promise i will buy you a new bottle, please forgive me" he asked

"it's ok i forgive you" i said as i smiled at him. he cheered in happiness and walked out of my room.

so it was corbyn who used my shampoo i thought to myself

5 minutes after corbyn had left jonah came into my room holding the same apologetic face that corbyn had

"y/n im so sorry, im the one who used your shampoo. i accidently confused it with mine. i promise i will buy you another one" he said

"oh um ok it's ok i forgive you" i said. i was so confused i thought corbyn had used it

jonah smiled and walked out of my room.

i guess both of them used my shampoo.

not even 5 minutes later jack comes in with the exact same look as corbyn and jonah.

"y/n i used your shampoo. im really sorry, but it said that it was good for curly hair. im sorry i should have told you sooner or at least asked before i used it" i said scratching the back of his neck

"it's ok i forgive you" i said even more confused than before.

"oh thank goodness and i promise i will buy you a new one" he said as he ruffled my hair in excitement and left my room.

so not only did corbyn use my shampoo but jonah and jack did as well i thought to myself.

as jack left Daniel came running in

"y/n i can't take this guilt. it was me. i used your shampoo. it just smells really good. im sorry i will buy you a new one. please don't tell the other guys" he said in hysterics

"oh Daniel it's ok i forgive you"

"thankyouthankyouthankyou" he said as he hugged me

"i never felt so guilty in my life" he said as he walked out of my room.

so daniel used my shampoo as well? did everyone use my shampoo?" i was beyond confused at this point.

a minute later zach casually walks in my room

"oh no don't tell me you used my shampoo as well?" i asked

"what? oh no! i didn't i just came to rat everyone else out" he said laughing

"those fools over there used your shampoo. it's hilarious to see how nervous they got when you asked" he added laughing even more.

"hey better for me now i got 4 bottles of shampoo" i smiled at him.

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