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"You" he pointed at Emily "Let's go" Montgomery said walking towards her and Emily pouted. "Who are you? Her dad?" Bryce questioned standing next to Emily. Montgomery sighed tightening his fists.

"Shut up, Bryce" he said through gritted teeth "Emily, now" he looked at her.

"Well y'all heard him, apparently I have to go" Emily said standing up but Bryce put a hand on her shoulder and she sat down. "You don't have to go if you don't want to baby girl" Bryce said holding her chin. Montgomery pulled Emily up by her arm. Justin shifted in the chair and Zach swallowed hard.

"Don't fucking touch her" Montgomery punched him on the nose. "What the fuck Montgomery!" Bryce yelled holding his nose.

"She's coming with me and you don't have an opinion in this subject" Emily rubbed her shoulder and walked behind Montgomery. "It's okay guys I'll be back. I'm sorry" Emily said waving at them.

"Uh...no, you're not" he grabbed Emily's hand and pull her outside. "Montgomery you're hurting me, let me go" Emily whispered.

"Emily, are you crazy? What the hell where you doing with him? I can't believe you!" He exclaimed letting her go. "Relax ok, I-I don't know I was stressed Jessica texted and I said yes" Emily answered shrugging her shoulders.

"Just get in the car" Emily nodded and opened the door and but the seat belt on. Montgomery rolled down the windows and drove away from Bryce's house.

"I can't go home smelling like weed" Emily whispered. "Sounds like you have a problem, you should've thought of that before going to Bryce's" he said angrily.

"Monty, are you mad at me?" She whispered pulling her hair up in a bun. "I don't know, Emily" he sighed and Emily nodded.

"I'm sorry" she whispered and looked out the window.

La mami 💖: where are you?

Emily: omw home I'm with Montgomery

La mami 💖: Karinaaaaaaaa! You better get home quickly

They got to Emily's house and Montgomery didn't even looked at her. Emily lowered her head and got out the car. "Thanks and I'm sorry" she said before closing the door. Montgomery tighten his grip on the steering wheel.

Emily sighed and closed the door. When she opened the front door her mom was in the kitchen.

"Ya era hora, tu te crees que esto es un hotel y que tu llegas a la hora que se te pega la gana, no mija tu no pagas the bills of this house. (About time, do you think this is a hotel that you come and go whenever you want, no mija you don't pay the bills of this house) When you have your own apartment you do whatever you want but not when you are living with me" Her mom said sternly and Emily lowered her head and nodded.

"Y desaparecete de mi vista. Eres igualita que el padre tuyo (And get out of my face. You're just like your father)" Emily rolled her eyes. 'Here we go' she thought. "Le viras los ojos al padre tuyo a mi no. (Go roll your eyes to your father) You never listen to my advices. One day Emily, one day I'm not going to be there y yo vo' a ver que tu va' hacer sin mi. Te lo estoy diciendo (I'll see what you are going to do without me. I'm telling you)" her mom added while Emily walked towards her room.

"Ah ahora no va' hablar te va' quedar calla' como una boba (Ah, now you're not going to talk, you're going to stay quiet like a fool)" her mom said leaning on the door. "Bueno y que quieres que te diga? A ti uno no te puede decir na' (Well and what do you want me to tell you? I can't tell you anything) because then I'm 'talking back', so I'm not saying anything" Emily said opening her drawer to get a sleeping shorts and a t-shirt.

With you//Montgomery De La Cruz Where stories live. Discover now