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Two weeks passed and Emily was sitting in the bathroom floor. She checked the calendar again then the toilet, then her underwear. She was supposed to get her period two days ago. She wasn't the most regular person when it came to periods but she had sex and her period wasn't here.

"Lord please, don't let me be pregnant please" she whispered before coming out of the bathroom.

Emily walked downstairs her mom was in the living room watching tv.

"Mami, I'll be right back" Emily said taking the keys of her car. "Alright" she said from the living room.

Emily drove to the pharmacy and got two pregnancy tests. She went to pay it and the lady stared at her.

"Should've used protection," Emily rolled her eyes and held back her comment and gave her the money. "I'm just saying because you look young you have a future" Emily took a deep breath annoyed.

"I don't want to be rude, but I didn't ask for the lecture. I'm going to get one as soon as I get home, if these tests turn out positive. Have a nice day" she took the bag and got in her car.

"I'm going to be so dead. I can sense it already. That's how I die. Oh my goodness" she placed her head against the driving wheel.

Emily was pacing around in the bathroom waiting for the results of the tests. She heard a knock on the door.

"Bueno y tu, ¿Tienes diarreas?" (Well what about you? Do you have diarrhea?) Her mom asked from the other side of the door. Emily chuckled, diarrhea is what she was going to have if those tests turned out positive, she thought. "No, pero no sabia que no podía usar el baño sin que me cogieran el tiempo"(No, but I didn't knew that I couldn't use the bathroom without people taking my time) Emily exclaimed.

"I'm just asking you could've been dying and I wouldn't know!" Emily's mom said and left.

Two minutes passed and Emily looked at the tests. 'Pregnant' '| |' Emily look at both tests and rubbed her temples. She covered them and went downstairs.

"Mami, I have to tell you something" Emily said sitting in front of her. "Let me guess, you're pregnant" Emily looked at her fingertips.

"Carajo Emily, yo no sé tu como que no piensas" (Damn Emily, do you even think?) her mom exclaimed looking at her "¿Qué tu vas a hacer ahora?" (What are you going to do now?) She asked angry.

"Mami, I don't know. I could always abort it" Emily whispered. "No seas tan estúpida Emily, that's a sin" (Don't be stupid Emily, that's a sin) her mom said slapping her shoulder lightly.

"Yo no te estoy diciendo que lo abortes. (Im not telling you to abort it) I'm just asking because school starts tomorrow" She said looking at her.

"¿Pero tu me va' ayudar con él?" (Are you going to help me with it?) Emily asked. "Mami, el problema no es que si yo te voy a ayudar o no, yo hasta te lo crio. (The problem isn't me not helping you, I could raise the kid!) The problem is people's comments even though that shouldn't matter to you, but you know people can be judgemental" her mom replied holding Emily's hands.

"I know but I'm going to keep studying and I'll go to college it doesn't matter that I'm going to have a baby" Emily said crying. "I know you are that's not up for discussion you are going to college. You'll be fine I'm here to help you" her mom said hugging her.

"¿El bebé es de Montgomery verdad?" (It's Montgomery's kid right?) She asked holding Emily by her shoulders and Emily nodded. "Se lo tienes que decir" (You have to tell him about it) her mom stated.

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