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*DM mags.si and montgomery.c*

mags.si: Hey Monty

montgomery.c: hey Maggie!

mags.si: how's life?

montgomery.c: it could be better but you already know that

mags.si: oh yeah I know!

montgomery.c: how's Emily...

mags.si: oh you know devastated bc you left her...

montgomery.c: i fucking care about her so much and i miss her badly

mags.si: tell her...

montgomery.c: i don't understand why she would do that to me she's my whole world

mags.si: maybe she didn't...

montgomery.c: what are you saying?

mags.si: oh nothing. just silly stuff...

montgomery.c: if you know something tell me, Maggie

mags.si: is not my story to tell, darling ask her

montgomery.c: so helpful...

mags.si: ik 😘😋

One week. That's how long had passed since Bryce posted that photo. Emily and Montgomery were avoiding each other since none of them knew what to say. Emily spent her lunch period in the library with Jeff studying for the finals.

"No, but then I told her that I already asked someone and she got mad at me and didn't talk to me for two whole weeks after the formal" Jeff said chuckling. "Middle school Sheri was a funny Sheri" Emily laughed.

"Well your boy has to go, because I need food" he kissed her temple and left. Emily was alone again. Justin, Zach and Jessica texted her everyday pleading her to come back, but she refused to see Montgomery's face. She lied and said that she was busy and whatever.

"Hello baby girl" Bryce smirked sitting next to her. Emily sighed and picked her backpack. "Why you leaving so fast? Won't you like to repeat what happened at the party?" Bryce said holding her by her waist.

"No. I don't want to repeat anything. In fact, I hope you rot in hell for everything you have done to me. Go fuck yourself and leave me alone" she pushed him away. He held her arm and she turned around. "Let me spread a little knowledge, you raped me not once but twice. You ruined my relationship with Montgomery. So don't come to me acting like everything is peachy keen between us because it never will be. I will never forgive you. I swear you come near me and try something with me. I will call the police on you; I don't have a fucking problem with it. You need help 'cause that's not normal at all." Emily said tearing up. Bryce glared at her and left.

Emily sat back down and started sobbing. She heard some steps and she cleaned up her face. She turned around to see a teary-eyed Montgomery. She gasped and took her backpack. She walked past him but he held her arm not letting her go. Emily stopped and looked at the floor.

"If I've never came to asked you to come back to our table I would've never heard this why, Emily? Why you didn't talk to me about it? Why did you pushed me away?" Montgomery asked with tears running down his cheeks.

With you//Montgomery De La Cruz Where stories live. Discover now