~Chapter 27~

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*third person*

"You look absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much for inviting me." Hyoyeon said, standing behind Perrie.

"No need to thank me. You're a new friend and you helped plan this. The least we could do was invite you." Perrie smiled.

Hyoyeon smiled at the shorter blonde and walked to the other side of the room.

"Every Princess needs a crown." she said, taking a small silver crown out of a case and placing it on Perrie's head. Perrie chuckled and adjusted the crown.

"Thank you so much." Perrie said, barely audible.

"Let me check on Jade. She was so frantic earlier this morning." she said, walking out of the room.

She walked next door only to find Jade starring at herself in the full body mirror. She's in her beautiful dress and her hair and makeup is done.

Hyoyeon smiled and walked over to the case. "Jade," the blonde started, opening the box.

Jade turned around and smiled when she saw the silver crown in Hyoyeon's hands. She walked over to her and placed the crown on her head.

"So beautiful. The wedding starts in ten minutes, okay? I'll get everyone ready."

Hyoyeon walked out and started to round everyone up.

Jade's Dress:

Perrie's dress:

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Perrie's dress:

Perrie's dress:

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Jade looked out to the crowd and saw all of her friends and family. She took in a deep breath and tossed her head back, tears already forming in her eyes.

"Are you ready?" Her mom asked. Jade looked and nodded. As the music stared playing, she heard everyone stand up.

Jade and her mom started to walk out, everyone starring at the brunette in awe. She reached the alter and her mom hugged her.

"Try not to sob, okay?" Norma whispered, making Jade chuckle. She walked and took her seat in one of the maid of honor chairs.

Everyone stayed standing as the curtains opened again. Jade tried to hold back her tears as she saw her soon-to-be-wife at the end of the small walk way.

Debbie and Perrie walked in sync. Jade could see glimmer in Perrie's eyes as she approached the alter. Once she reached, her mom hugged her tightly and sat next to Norma.

Jade held Perrie's hands as the preacher began to speak.

Jade couldn't focus on anything but Perrie's eyes. She tried so hard not to cry and she was succeeding, until the vows.

"You may now say your vows." the preacher said, smiling at the two girls.

"Jade. The moment I laid eyes on you, I wanted you to be mine. I was so scared and nervous to talk to you because I thought you would laugh and turn me down. But, you gave me a chance. You made me feel so loved. You helped me get through all my hard times and I am very thankful for that. Even though we did break up for a year because of something stupid, I still loved you will all my heart. I vow to not get so jealous and to love you unconditionally. Promise."

Jade's tears were falling freely as she listened to Perrie's vows. How in the hell can I top that?! Jade thought.

"I don't know how to top that, but I'll just say mine from my heart." Jade said, making everyone laugh. Almost everyone in the room were crying and the loving aroma just made everything so much better.

"Perrie. When you talked to me, we became fast friends and after a while, I started developing feelings for you. Once I asked you to be mine and you said yes, my heart exploded. On that day, I promised myself that I would never hurt you. But, the day I did, I felt terrible. I promise that I will try and keep you happy. Always and forever. Yes, there will be some bumps in the road; with every relationship, there is. But, we will get through it because our love is stronger than any negative thing that comes to us. I love you too much for something to separate us."

"Perrie. Do you take Jade to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for as long as you shall live?"

"I do."

"Jade. Do you take Perrie to be your lawfully eddded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for as long as you shall live?"

"I do."

"I now pronounce you bride and bride. You may kiss the bride."

(A/N: Idfk how the entire lesbian wedding goes. Just– just forgive me. Pls.)

Jade pecked Perrie's lips and they held each other's hand as they walked down the isle and out the church.

I'm finally married to the love of my life. She's all mine. Jade thought, looking at Perrie who was beaming like the sun.

Best. Day. Ever.


I know this chapter wasn't much, but I hope you guys enjoyed it!

Three more chapters left! I still can't believe that I'm almost done with this book. Like, wtf?

But, more books will be coming after this one is completed!

I love you all so much and thank you for reading! Byee!

xX~ Tiffany

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