~Chapter 19~

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*3rd Person*
Perrie finds Jade at a popular suicide bridge in their town. Jade is crying while she's standing on the edge, ready to jump into the water. Perrie yelled out her name and Jade whipped around.

"Get out of here, Perrie! I don't want you to see this!" Jade yelled.

Perrie's eyes sting with tears as she stares at her friend.

Even though she wanted her as her girlfriend again. If only she would've taken her back.

"Jade. Please, please, I'm begging you! Please don't do this!" Perrie cried, tears slipping down her cheeks.

"Perrie, you're gone. You're away from me. I don't have you anymore. Without you in my life, I have no reason to live. You were my world and now that you're gone, I-I cant live anymore." Jade cried.

"Jade, I'm right here! I would never break your heart like this. Please! Get down! Come to me, please!" Perrie cries. Jade shakes her head and she looks at the rushing water below her.

"Jade, please!"

By now, Perrie is sobbing. She can't control her loud sobs.

"Jade!" Perrie sobs just as Jade's hand slipped off.

Jade turns and faces her. "Why not? Why not, Perrie?!"

Perrie gulps and she takes a step closer.

"B-because. I-I love you that's why! Jade, I shouldn't have broken up with you! I should've let you explain! I'm so sorry! I want you back, baby, I really do! Please, Jade! Don't kill yourself because I thought you cheated! I should've known better. I'm so sorry, baby. Please."

Jade's eyes sting with tears as she looks at Perrie. Her beautiful, sensitive, broken Perrie. Even though she believed Perrie 100%, she still wanted to end it.

No one can fix the everlasting scar Kayla has put on Jade's hart just because Kayla wanted Jade. Jade said no plenty of times, but Kayla just laughed and shoved her hand father down Jade's pants.

"It's not your fault, Perrie. I promise." Jade cried as she replayed that day over and over in her mind.

"Please, Jade! Don't do it! I can fix you, I promise! I will pick up the broken pieces even if I get cut! Jade, you're my everything. Please don't leave me here alone."

"Now you see how I feel!" Jade cried.

"I know and I'm sorry! Jade, please. Come back to me." Perrie sobbed.

"Perrie, I believe every word you're saying, b-but I can't stay here any longer! This world is toxic and it's killing me second by second. I can't take it anymore." Jade sobs.

"You know the one thing God won't forgive you for? Suicide. If you do this, Jade, there's no telling where you'll go." Perrie cried.

Jade's tears are still sliding, but she's silent.

Does she really want to do this?



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