The Gay Cheerleader ~Jerrie Thirlwards AU~

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Perrie's POV
"Perrie! Come on! You're gonna be late!" my mam screamed up the stairs. I groaned and rolled out of my bed. "Okay! I'm getting ready!" I yelled.

I walked over to my closet and pulled out my clothes. I walked into my bathroom and took a quick shower. I stepped out of the shower, dried off, and put on my cheer uniform which is a gold and black top and skirt. I quickly put on clear mascara and pink nude lipstick.

I walked out of the bathroom and to my bed. I grabbed my bag and stuffed my laptop, chargers, camera, sketch book, Art book, and my other books. It's not heavy. Trust me.

I quickly put my shoes on, grabbed my cheer bag, and walked out of my room.

I walked down stairs and into the kitchen. "Mam! C'mon!" I said, tugging on my mum's arm. "Perrie, Leigh-Anne is coming to pick you up." she said, snatching her arm away.

I huffed and walked into the living room. I sat down on the couch and got on Instagram. I looked at some of my old photos. I was so young! I am only 16 now. I started Instagram when I was 11. Good times. Good times.

"Why didn't you do your hair?" mam asked, sitting down. I sighed and walked up the stairs again. I brushed, combed, flat ironed, and combed my hair; in that order.

I walked down the stairs and grabbed my bags. I walked out of the door and sat down on the porch swing.

I waited for about fifteen seconds until Leigh pulled up. I jumped up and ran to her car. I got in and closed the door.

"Hey." she said. "Hey." I said. She drove off and headed towards the school. "What's wrong?" she asked. "My mam. Being a b*tch." I replied.

"Hey. You'll be at my house for the weekend. So will Kate and Jasmine." she said.

Jasmine and Kate are the other two in our squad. It's only us four. I mean our BFF squad. Not the cheer squad. There are 18 of us in the cheer squad.

"Why? What happened at home?" Leigh asked. "She had the nerve to tell me to go do my hair! In girl code that means Ew. Your hair looks so ugly. Can you believe she did that!" I replied. "Hm. Well, your brother did just move out." she said.

"Jonnie is only 23. And he is going off to college! Why does my mam have to be sensitive!" I cried. "Calm down. At least you still have Caitlin." she said. "Caitlin already left with Amber." I said in a annoying tone.

"Lighten up! We have a pep rally today!" Leigh said, attempting to cheer me up. "Yeah. Jumping around while boys look up my skirt is always fun." I said sarcastically. "It is oh my go- oh. You were being sarcastic." she said.

We then pulled up to the school. We grabbed our bags and got out of the car. I could hear boys wolf whistling at me.

I scoffed and walked a bit faster, Leigh following behind. We walked into the school and to our lockers.

"What class first?" Leigh asked. "We have the same schedule!" I said. "Exactly." she said as I closed my locker.

I heard another boy wolf whistle at me. I turned around. "D*mn mommi! Let me get a slice of dat cake!" he said, smacking my butt. My jaw dropped and I slapped him across his face.

Leigh walked off with me to class. We walked into the classroom with people throwing paper balls and talking rather loudly.

Leigh and I took our seats, it was next to these two other girls. They were very pretty if you ask me.

"Ugh! We have to design something!" Leigh said. "Well this is Design class." I chuckled.

"Pep rally after school. Boys looking up our skirts! Wanting some of this! Can our lives get any better?" Kate said, sitting down.

The Gay Cheerleader ~Jerrie Thirlwards AU~Where stories live. Discover now