~Chapter 22~

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*one week later*
Perrie's POV
Right now, I'm hanging out with Jade in my room. We're studying for finals and we've got a lot done, actually.

Jade is sitting on my bed and I have my legs wrapped around her waist and my body is laid out. Her books are on my bum and my books are in front of me.

We've been studying for about two hours without a break. Well, besides going to the bathroom.

"Perrie." Jade said, closing the book. I turned my head, signalling for her to continue.

"There's something I have to tell you. Not even Jesy knows." she said. I furrowed my eyebrows and quickly turned over.

Her hands caressed my thighs and she sighed. "There's been something I've been hiding for years and you're the first person outside my family I'm telling." she said, making me sit up slightly.

"Baba, what happened?" I asked, putting my hand over hers.

"U-uh. This is so hard." she cried, putting her head down as tears came to her eyes.

"It's okay. Take your time." I said, caressing her cheek.

"Um. I grew up getting abused by my uncle who was staying with us. I also got s-sexually assaulted." she choked out the words, tears streaming down her face.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner!" she cried. I pulled her into a tight hug and she sobbed into my hair. "Jade, its okay. I understand if you were never ready." I said, tears coming to my eyes.

"I-I also started to cut at a young age, but I stopped before the tenth grade. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just thought you wouldn't understand and you would think I'm a freak. I also thought you would want to break up with me if I told you."

"Shh. I most definitely wouldn't. I love you with all my heart, okay?" I asked, pulling her face in front of mine. She nodded an I captured her lips into a kiss.

"I'm sorry." she said against my lips, tears streaming down her face.

"We can stop studying." I said after I pulled away. She nodded and I wiped the tears from her face.

We put our stuff away and I cuddled her on my bed. She was still crying and I was trying desperately to calm her down.

"Jade, please calm down. I'm here. I promise I won't let anything bad happen to you." I said, tearing up myself.

I hate seeing my baby like this and it kills me to know someone would hurt my cutie pie. It makes me sad, it makes my blood boil, it makes me want to fight.

None of this makes since. At all. I'm just glad she survived. Super glad.

"That's the one thing about me no one knows. I'm terrified that everyone will find out and they'll tease me for it." she sobbed. "I'll never allow that, baby, and you know it." I said, stroking her hair.

She tried to calm down and I helped my whispering soothing words into her ear and stroking her body softly.

"Thanks. For calming me down." she said, sniffing. "Always." I said, kissing her lips.


This was kinda like a filler chapter. I didn't have any ideas and this one just hit me like that bus hit Regina George.

So, YEAH! Thats the big secret I was talking about in the description. But, will everyone find out. Hmmmm?

Anyways. Do you guys have any ideas? Besides Jade beating up Zayn bc I'm going to make that happen, I just don't know how.

But, thank you so much for reading! I love you all SO much and I will update soon!


xX~ Tiffany

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