Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Bruno's POV:

"Lana?!" Emilia and I yelled in shock. I couldn't believe this. The girl who gave me food while I was locked out, the girl that help me to get her sister... She was on his side all alone? "Why would you do that?" Emilia's voice cracked up. She was obviously holding back the tears. "Who would've known... My own daughter, A flesh of my flesh... Would betray me like that?" Emilio said. Lana just stood there, with a devilish smile on her face.

"You call me your daughter now papa, when I'm a threat," She said. "But you never treated me like one." She added. "It was always Emilia. Emilia, Emilia, Emilia." She said. " 'Emilia is the best kidnapper', 'One day you'll need to be as good as Emilia', 'Emilia can do this', 'Emilia can do that'... I was sick of it! It's like I didn't have my own image! The only image was Emilia! I wanted to have my own style and my own image." She said. "So I ran across with Juliano and he told me he'll take care of me. He'll make me feel like I'm special, and not just another Emilia." She said. "And... Now we're here. Now, I got the big Emilia begging for mercy." She smirked. Juliano laughed is evil laugh.

"Isn't it a lovely story?" He teased. We all remained quiet. "It sure is daddy." Michelle came from Juliano's other side. "Oh hello Bruno," she smirked at me. "Did you come back for more?" she asked sarcastically. She pissed me off. "I paid for better hoes than you darling." I said. "Ouch, that wasn't so nice baby." She teased me. "You played with me. I'm not suppose to be nice." I said. "What about her?" she asked, nodding her head to Emilia. "She played with you first but you're such a sweet gentleman to her." She said. "I was with you to try and forget about her. Because I fell for her. And that didn't work. So I have all the right to be mean to you bitch." I said. I could feel Emilia smiles a bit and watching me but I glued my look on Michelle.

"Just tell us what you want Juliano." Emilio spoke up. Juliano smiled slyly. "I think you know what I want." He said. "I want revenge." He said. "Well didn't you get your revenge?" I said. He looked at me. "You stole my money, Reviled Emilia's secret, Got Emilio's youngest daughter to betray us... Isn't that enough for you?" I said.

He just looked at me and bursted out laughing, his evil smile echoing the room. "That's why you don't take a pop singer to a mission like that, Emilio." he said as laughing. "Listen to me, Mars." He said after he calmed down.

"A mafia's revenge always end up with death." He whispered.

Emilia's POV:

My breath hitched. One of us is going to die, if not all of us. I shouldn't have dragged Bruno in to this at first place. He has fans and family and friends that needs him. I should've known we're taking a risk here.

"But why to kill just one of you guys?" Juliano said. "I got all the Frank family right here. And a superstar as well. That's the perfect opportunity." He said, smiling slyly.

I was so afraid. I was near passing out. Suddenly, a shot has been sounded. Juliano's smile disappeared. His gun fell down from his hand and he grabbed his left arm, that was now bleeding miserably. He fell down on the floor in a huge pain. Between his growling of pains, he mumbled out:

"Get them."

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