Chapter Three

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Emilia's POV:

I walked towards our place, as two of daddy's men were carrying the fainted Bruno Mars.

I walked towards my dad, following the two men and Bruno behind. My heels make noises in the whole place as I walked. Yet, he watched outside his window, lost in his thoughts like always. Not even noticing I'm here. I stopped a few meters from him, causing the sound of my heels stop, and the men stopped behind me. He finally looked at me, and then glanced behind me to see Bruno being carried by them both.

"Nice job Emilia." He said, satisfied with the result. "How was it? Were there any problems?" He asked. "Not at all papa, he was an easy one." I said and walked towards Bruno's fainted body. "This boy just loves chicas papa" I said smiling to myself and being satisfied as looking at his fainted face.

"Tie him up guys" father commanded his guys and they walked to do as he said. "And you, go get ready for part two of the plan. He can wake up and moment." He said. "Ok papa" I said and went to my room.

I took off my heels and replaced it with my combat boots. My dress has been replaced in a simple white sport bra and a long combat pants. I started taking off my make up as there was a knock on my door. "Yes?" I asked. The door came open. "What do you want Lana?" I asked. "Dad told me to tell you to get ready, he's almost awake." she said. "Okay." I said and continued my business as she decided to come in and sit on my bed.

Lana is my little sister. She's only 16 and she can annoys me as hell.

"Why you taking your make up off? You look good with it." She said. "I don't like make up. And besides, I don't need it anymore. I finished part one. Now it's part two." I said as I was taking it off. "I never understood what those parts meant" she said. "thats because you're too young. When dad will let you join this part of the mafia, he'll teach you." I said.

Lana is daddy's little girl. She could've been a kidnapper like me, if only dad would've teach her. But he protects her much more than he protects me because she's younger. Meanwhile, she's just a trainer. But sometimes it's hard to be a kidnapper. I lost my virginity due to the job. I had to follow my instructions, and it was hard. Loosing my virginity to a cruel man because I had to kidnap him. But I couldn't disappoint papa. So I did it. And that is the reason he doesn't want Lana to be in this job now.

"I'm not that young! I'm 16! You started with it when you were 16!" She said. "And it wasn't such the bright light either. I wish for your own good that you won't be a kidnapper like me. It's not good at all." I said put my hair in a tight bun.

"Now if you'll excuse me..." I said. "I got a victim to take care of." I said and went out of the room.

Bruno's POV:

I opened my eyes. My head hurt badly. I tried reaching my hand for it but I noticed I was tied up to a chair. The smell of cigarette's smoke filled the room. I looked up and saw the back of a woman. Combat boots were on her legs, followed by long combat pants and a white sport bra. Her hair was in a tight bun. In her hand, was a lit cigarette. She got it close to her mouth and inhaled the drug.

"Good morning Mr. Mars" she said with her back still facing me. I wasn't so sure how she found out I was up. I recognized her voice a little, but I couldn't remember who is she. "What is going on here? Why am I tied up?" I asked. She turned around and it hit me. It's the girl from the club last night. "Oh-uh" I said. "You're a crazy fan aren't you?" I asked. My fans can go nuts. She chuckled slyly. "Don't flatter yourself, Mars" she said. She threw her cigarette to the floor and stepped on it. "So why am I here?" I asked.

"It's pretty simple" she said and went behind me. Suddenly, I felt a gun against my temples.

"All you need to do, is to cooperate." She said.

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