Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Bruno's POV:

I was confused. What is she need to talk to me about? "Sure go ahead." I said. She had a worried expression on her face. "Alone." She said. I nodded. Is it that serious?

The car came to a stop. We all got out of the car to see Emilio and his men holding Michelle. "Their place is in two blocks," Emilio said. "We start walking and we'll break in. You remember the plan." He said. They all started to move forward when Emilia pulled me to the side.

"We don't have much time so I'll just rip the bandage up." She said. "What is it?" I asked. "Bruno..." She started.

"I'm pregnant. And it's your baby." She said.

Shock went through my veins. Pregnant?... From me? That can't be. "What?! That-" I whispered loudly but she cut me off. "We don't have time for this now." She said. "There is nothing to do. This is what it is and we need to accept it." She said. "After this thing will end, We'll be separated. You'll get back to your famous life and I'll stay here and will have to face my dad against this argument. He'd probably want you dead, but he gave you his word that no harm will do to you after the revenge is over. And he stands behind his words. The baby will probably grow up to be a criminal too... I don't want it, That's the last thing I want for my child but that were my father's intentions in first place - for me to have a baby to continue the mafia." She said quickly due to the lack of time.

"I don't want my child to grow without it's father." I said. "Its not only 'your' child or 'my' child... It's 'our' child. I want to be there and raise him. And I don't want him to grow up being a criminal." I said. "You're not such a bad person after all," I added. "I think you're amazing, you just had to find someone to show you that." I said.

"You're that someone." She whispered as her head was staring at the floor. I smiled. "Which leaves you with the 'amazing.'" I said. I lifted her head up to mine, her beautiful eyes sparkling at the night. "We'll find a way to figure this out, you'll see." I said. We both started to lean in towards each other when the familiar voice yelled at us.

"Yo, lovebirds!" Lana yelled, causing us to turn our heads to see. We didn't notice we were the only ones left, the rest are far ahead of us. "If you don't mind, we're in the middle of a mission so 'nough with the smoochies!" She said. It made me giggle. A faint blush went up to Emilia's face. I found it cute.

We grabbed our guns and went towards the mansion, joining the rest...

Emilia's POV:

It felt good to have this off my back. Now I can focus on the mission. We caught up to my dad and his men and we kept on walking. My dad then stopped and we all stopped behind him. The mansion was not so far and noticeable. "You all remember the plan right?" He asked. We all nodded. "Good. Do not let me down." He said. "Go!" he said.

We all started running towards the mansion. Lana, who was now holding Michelle went dragging her with her. We got towards the mansion and the two guards spotted us and started aiming their guns at us. I pointed my gun at them and shot one of them in the arm. I aimed again, my intention to kill the man, but the voice of shooting didn't come from my gun. The pistol hit him right in the heart, causing the man to cough blood as he was slowly dying. I looked to my right, to where the shooting came from, and saw Bruno, his gun pointed to the man and he slowly took it down. "You should've aimed with your nose." He teased. "Beginners' luck, Mars." I said.

We took care of the two guards, that now were lying on the ground lifeless. We got in the mansion's area and one of my dad's men kicked the front door open.

It's show time.



I just wanted to ask you... Will you guys be in if I'll do a live-stream when I'll finish the fanfic? I mean, I really want to, I think it'll be fun to answer for your questions and to hear your comments! But if people won't be in for that, so that's a no haha. Leave a comment if you're in for that and if there'll be AT LEAST 10 people who are in for a live-stream then I'll be on it :)


lol sorry bout that^^^

Anyway - comment if you're in for a live-stream :)

Inbar <3

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