Chapter Eight

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Emilia's POV:

I waved the keys in my hand in front of my dad. My dad looked at them and then I put them back in my pocket. "Great job Emilia." He said. "Great job yourself papa, you scared him so bad that I think he almost peed his pants." I chuckled. "That's what I went for. Those celebrities are so easy to scared." He said, not even smiling. I started my way outside his room. "Wait Emilia." he said. I turned around. "What?" I asked. "Sit down." He said and so I did.

"Have you thought of what I told you?" He asked. "About what?" I asked. "About expanding the mafia." He said. "A little... But I thought you said after I'm finishing with him." I said. "Yes but as you know, you need two for a tango." He said, referring to the only way I can get pregnant with. "No I haven't papa." I said. "Are you sure Emilia? Because I think different." He said. I swallowed. "What do you mean?" I asked, scared that I might know the answer.

He flipped the computer screen to my direction and pressed play on footage from one of our security cameras, showing me and Bruno kiss, roughly. I completely forgot from the security cameras! I could feel my cheek burning, turning a tomato red. I just looked down as he pressed pause.

"Cuando le dije que quería que le permite ampliar la mafia no era mi intención hacerlo con una víctima! (=When I said I want you to expand the mafia I didn't mean to do it with a victim!)" He yelled at me. I didn't answer. I didn't have the guts to answer. Not after what I've done. "Estoy decepcionado, Emilia. Pensé que un secuestrador profesional como usted no va a hacer ningún problema. (=I'm disappointed, Emilia. I thought a professional kidnapper like you won't do any problems.)" he said. And he was right. "You're dismissed." he said and I got up and walked out of the room.

Bruno's POV:

I sat down on the dusty bed in this prison cell. Why are they keeping me here? I mean, I don't have anything else to do but follow their orders. I don't want to be dead. My stomach was growling. I'm so damn hungry. There is nothing to eat in this cell and nothing to do.

"You hungry huh?" Lana suddenly appeared behind the bars. "How'd you know?" I asked. "I can hear your stomach growl to my room." She chuckled. I smiled. "Here," she tossed a brown bag between the bars. It smelled good. I opened the bag to see a burger and some fries waiting there with a bottle of water. My eyes lit up. I heard her laughing a little. "Enjoy." She said, starting to walk away. "Wait Lana!" I said. "What?" She turned around. "Thanks." I smiled. "No problem." she smiled back and started walking. I started attacking my food and eating it.

After finishing my food, I felt relieved. I think I never was this hungry before. I laid back on the dusty bed, and with in a minute, I fell asleep.

"Wake up Bruno..." I heard a soft voice waking me up. Her voice was soft, yet her tone was stiff. I opened my eyes to see the devilish criminal in front of me. "I see you ate." she said. "Yeah... your sister gave me food." I said, sitting up. "Have you thought about our deal?" She asked.

"What's the rush? I'm having fun here!" I said, leaning back putting my hands behind my head. I decided I can mess up with her. Her eyes widened up. "Having fun? here?" She asked surprised. "Well yeah," I said. "No paparazzi's invading my privacy, no anyone who wants me to sign anything or take a picture when I'm on my way home to sleep, no one screams for me to have their babies... Unless you wanna be that person who wants to have my babies" I teased her and smirked. She rolled her eyes. "In your dreams." She said. "Don't you worry about that" I winked at her. She rolled her eyes in disgust. "You're disgusting" she said. "You didn't say that when you attacked my lips with yours" I smirked. "It's part of my job. You think I really love you? You're wrong Mars." She said. I stood up and walked in front of her. "Oh really?" I asked.

"Yes, really." She said. "Matter of fact, I hate you. I hate you so much. You think you're such a big deal but you're not. You're just a fool that played in my game, you stupid man." She greeted through her teeth, her face is only inches away from mine.

Next thing we knew, we were making out like crazy.

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