Chapter Five

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Emilia's POV:

I knocked on the door and slightly opened it. "You wanted to see me papa?" I asked. "Yes. Get in Emilia." He said. "Is it important? I need to finish handling him." I said as I got in the room. "Sit down Emilia." he said, pointing to the chair in front of his desk. That's not good.

"I tried to delay this moment as much as possible... But I can not hold it away anymore." He said looking at me. "What are you talking about?" I asked.

"You're 25 Emilia, and you're starting to get old. It's time for you to... expand the family business." He said. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"You need to get pregnant." He said turning to me.

His words hit me.

"But papa, what about my job? I'm in the middle of one right now! And there is no other kidnapper in the family!" I yelled and stood up from my seat. "Emilia Alexis-Marina Frank! No me sass! Soy tu padre y tú harás lo que yo dije!(=Emilia Alexis-Marina Frank! Do not sass me! I'm your father and you'll do as I told!)" He yelled at me. He was angry. He calls me by my full name and he talked to me in Spanish, so I must've got him real angry.

I sighed and set back down in my seat, letting him calm down.

"Lana will take your place as a kidnapper. I trust you to train her the best. I'll let you finish this case of Bruno Mars and then I want you to start thinking of the family business' future." He said and I rolled my eyes. "Lana is only 16, She's too young to handle this!" I said. "You started your job at this age Emilia! And Lana will too! Don't make me change my mind and make Lana be in charge on your case!" He said and I got up. "Am I clear enough?" He asked. "Si papa." I answered. "Good. You're dismissed." He said and I get my way back.

Bruno's POV:

"I think your parents will respect it if you'll choose not to smoke." I said to her. She laughed a little to herself as she looked down. "I don't know how it's going on in your family Bruno, but it's different here. Really different." she said.

Suddenly, the door flew open and Emilia got in. "vete a la mierda, Lana!(=fuck off, Lana!)" she said irritated. I hate it when people talk in foreign language in front of me. I can't understand anything. "no me hables de eso! (=don't talk to me like that!)" Lana replied as she got off the table. Emilia noticed the cigarette between Lana's fingers. "que utilizó mi cigarrillo? (=you used my cigarette?)" she asked her. Lana looked down. "Si(=yes)" she whispered. She sighed and rubbed her temples. "Salir. (=get out.)" she said and Lana left the room.

"Hey, miss Frowny-Face" I said. "What's the matter with you?" I asked. Well that was stupid thing from me to do, because the next thing I knew was I heard a trigger pull and a gun was faced to me from the table, where she stood. "Do not tease me, Mars." She said angrily. "Do you really want to kill me?" I asked. "You need me and my money, after all." I said. She put the gun down on the table. "Now I already realize I'm not gonna be out of here any time soon..." I said. "So tell me why the hell are you so mad." I said.

She started walking closer to me. She looked raged, and I was afraid. 'She's going to hit me' I thought to myself.

I closed my eyes in fear, ready to feel the pain. But to my surprise, the only thing she attacked, were my lips with hers.

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