Chapter Eleven

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Bruno's POV:

"What do you mean 'you have a key'?" She whispered. "Remember that kiss a few hours ago?" I asked. She nodded. "Let's just say, you were so hypnotized by my awesome kissing skills, that you didn't noticed I slid my hands in your pockets and grabbed it." I whispered and smirked. She rolled her eyes. "Well it's not gonna be easy to run away from here." She said. "The place is secure as hell." She said. "And he knows where you live. And he'll send people to find me. And when they'll find us, we both will be in troubles." She added. "I doubt your dad will harm you." I said.

She lifted her hair from the left, showing her neck, whom a big scar was there. "Age 7. I told my dad that he is the worst dad ever because he doesn't let me talk to kids my age and to go to school like everyone else." She said. "He pulled his knife and left me that mark, saying it'll only make me a stronger women, and that I can't be a cry-baby." She added. I was in shock. Why would a dad, that suppose to keep his daughter safe, is harming her. "That's just messed up! You were 7! You were a little girl, you can be a cry-baby!" I said. She let out a sad smile.

She lifted her right arm, showing a big purple bruise on the side of her body. "Age 16. Dad told me I'm gonna need to start working, as a kidnapper. I refused. He pushed me on the floor and kicked this side several times. But he was drunk." she said. "That's not an excuse! That's is still wrong!" I said. She took her hand off and sighed, going back to her old position of hugging her knees and looking at the floor. "Do you have another bruises?" I asked her.

"I got some more bruises..." She said. "But these are to remain a secret between me and myself." She added.

I just can't risk myself from running away... And I can't risk her as well.

Emilia's POV:


9 years ago

"I'm scared papa" I said. "You have nothing to be scared about." He said. By his voice, I knew he was already drunk. "You can do it. It's just a mission. Do what you did in the trainings." He said. "It's different this time. It's not like in the trainings." I said.

"It's not a big deal. It's just loosing your virginity." He said drunkly. "But it'll hurt!" I said. "And besides, I don't want to lose my virginity like that! If I'd like to lose it I would use it to someone I love! And to someone who'll love me back the same way." I added. He turned around to face me and slapped my chick.

"¿Qué es eso de hablar Emilia?! ¿Quieres desobedecerme otra vez como la última vez?! (=What are those talking Emilia?! Do you want to disobey me again like last time?!)" He yelled at me. I looked down as the memory of sharp knife cutting the side of my neck. My hand automatically flew to the side of my neck, rubbing it. I shook my head.

"Good. Now go get ready." He said. "But dad-" he cut me off. "No but!" He yelled, annoyed. He suddenly grabbed me by my hair. "Suelta el pelo papa! (=Let go of my hair, dad!)" I yelled in pain. He pushed me down on the floor, causing me to crash on it. "Usted necesita aprender cómo comportarse! (=You need to learn how to behave!)" He yelled and kicked me at the side of my body. I groaned and cried in pain. He kept on kicking me. "No te atrevas a llorar! Te lo mereces! (=Don't you dare crying! You deserve it!)" He said while kicking me.

I cried quietly as everything turned black.


Hey guys! It's been a while since I've done an author note!

I wanted to thank all of you SO much for getting Heart Kidnapper to 1K reads and over 100 votes!!! It's incredible! I love you guys so much<3

I just wanted to know - what do you think about the story so far? Do you like it? :) comment! :)

Also wanted to say that if you guys are writing fanfics about Bruno yourself and you want my opinion on it - I'll be happy to read it! Just comment me, send me a message or even tweet me at @ShaveWhalesMars ! I'm following back btw ;)

Inbar <3

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