Chapter Four

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AUTHOR NOTE: sorry in advance, if there are Spanish readers here or people who knows Spanish.... Well I'm not one of them. I do not, and I repeat DO NOT know Spanish. So as the normal not-Spanish-knowing I am, I'm being like Bruno...

I'm using Google Translate.

So I'm sorry in advance if the sentences aren't making completely sense in Spanish, I'm copy pasting from Google Translate ><

Thanks for all the amazing comments <3 I love y'all! Enjoy!

Inbar <3

Emilia's POV:

"Okay okay... Please put the gun down." He said. "Mhm... You're not really in the place to tell me what to do Mars." I said. "Look, I'll do everything you want me to do." He said. I smiled slyly and put the gun down and went back to where I stood before. He heaved a sigh.

"What do you want me to do?" he asked. I smiled slyly to myself. "Let's think together." I said. "You are a singer, a famous one to be exact. So it's either I want you to sing for me, or either I want-" "my money." He said, completing my sentence. "Aren't you a smart guy" I said smiling. Suddenly, the door opened and Lana popped her head in.

"Papa quiere verte(=dad wants to see you)" She said to me. "En este momento?(=right now?)" I asked her. "Si(=yes)" she said. "Estoy ocupado, es importante?(=I'm busy, is it important?)" I asked. "Sí. él me dijo que velar por él a estas alturas.(=yes. he told me to watch over him by now.)" she said and I sighed.

"I'll be right back. Meanwhile, this is Lana, she'll keep an eye on you and will make sure that you won't do something you'll regret on." I said and went out of the room.

It's better be important.

Bruno's POV:

There has been an awkward silence between me and this girl Lana. She was sitting on the table that was a meter away from me. She looked at her side and spotted Emilia's pack of cigarettes and lighter. She picked it up.

"Are you a smoker Bruno?" she asked. "Yes" I answered. "When was the last time you smoked?" She asked. "Yesterday evening." I answered. She took out a cigarette out of the pack and examined it. "Huh, so you probably craving for a cigarette now" she said. "Yeah" I said. She put the cigarette in her mouth. "Are you a smoker? How old are you?" I asked. "I'm 16. And no, but there is always a first time." She said as she lit up the cigarette in her mouth. She coughed a little and took the cigarette out of her mouth, holding it between her fingers. I laughed a little.

"Smoking is not for everyone" I said. "But I have to." She said. "Why?" I asked. "Everyone in the family smokes. It likes shows how tough we are... If I'm not gonna smoke, I will be a disgrace." She said. That was weird. She actually sounded scared while saying that...

This place isn't a safe place.

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