Chapter One

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I got in to the club, scanning the zone around me. Drunk people everywhere, dancing and sweating. Ugh, how people can be like that? Getting drunk so badly till they loose their sense. It's only make them weaker. But if those my victims who gets drunk like that - it only makes it easier.

In the corner of my eye, I spot my victim. He sat on the bar, drinking. Looks like with a few more shots, he's gonna be an easy target. He wasn't looking at my direction at all. He was faced to the bar and looked to his left.

I made my way to the bar and sat on the free stall on his right. "Can I get a Martini-Vodka please" I said to the bar-tender, ignoring the presence of my victim, but I could feel his eyes watching me. Just like I wanted. The bar tender nodded and went to fix my drink. "You starting the night with a powerful drink like that?" He said. "I need it, I had a hard day today." I looked at him. "You can share your troubles with me if you'd like. This is the place I always come to when I'm not in the mood." He said. "But I don't even know you" I said as the bar tender brought me my drink and I thanked him politely. "How rude is that from me." He said. "My name is Bruno Mars" he said. "I'm kinda a big deal" he added. Like I didn't know. "Really? Your name does ring a bell a little, but I can't remember from where..." I said. Obviously lying. You're the reason I'm in this club, Mars. "I am the Grenade Guy" he smirked at me. Ugh, so cocky. "That's what you say to every girl you meet?" I smiled and took a sip from my drink. "Only to the pretty ones" he said. Score! My work is gonna be so easy.

"Thank you, I guess" I smiled. "So what your name is?" He asked. "I'm Emilia" I said. "Nice to meet you Emilia" he said.

I looked at my watch. "It's getting late, I think I should go" I said, following my instructions. "Oh c'mon, the night has just begun!" He said as I looked inside my purse for money. "Here, let me pay for you." He said, paying the bartender over my drink. What a gentleman. "Well thank you, You didn't have to. I owe you" I said. "Well... Since now you owe me..." He said. "Dance with me." He smirked. "What?" I giggled. "You owe me. So let's dance!" he said, reaching his hand out. "Ok Mars, let's dance" I smirked and took his hand and went to the dance floor.

We danced crazily, going out of our minds. I had fun, I must admit. Too bad that I'll have to ruin his life. He got himself closer to me from behind, and I grinned on him, knowing exactly what I'm doing. He bit his lips. He was so turned on. Just like I wanted. "How about we'll get out of this place and we'll get to learn each other better?" He said in my ears, smirking. "What are we waiting for?" I smirked back, knowing that everything is going the way I planed.

We went outside the club. "Let's get in my car, it's pretty big" I said smirking at him. "After you baby" he said. He is falling right in my net, and that's exactly what I wanted. He kissed me against the car. I liked it, I must admit. He is a great kisser. But I can't blow it up. Not right now. Not in the most important part of the plan.

I opened the back door of the car, leading to the back seat. He got in and I got right after him, as he laid down on and I sat on top of him. I closed the door. He kept kissing me, hard and rough. "Let me take a condom I have in my purse" I said between kisses. "Why do you have a condom in your purse?" he asked. "You don't know what types of people you'll meet and when you'll need it" I smirked. "Good point" he said.

I turned around so my back would face him and I took my purse. I could feel him already unzipping my dress. Rude. I secretly grabbed my gun. "You can't find that condom?" he asked.

"No" I said and quickly smacked my gun in his head, causing him to pass out.

My first mission - is accomplished.

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