Chapter Fifteen

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Bruno's POV:

I watched Lana leaves. I looked outside the window to see the black van she came in driving away. There goes 20,000 dollars...

My mom always taught me to waist money only about important things. But I don't want to be dead. It doesn't seem like a good idea messing with them.

Suddenly I heard loud knock from upstairs. Phil. Shit! I forgot I locked him there! I ran upstairs and unlocked the door and he burst out. "You're fucking crazy man! You got some explanations to do!" He yelled. "First calm down!" I said. He calmed down a bit. We went down stairs and he sat on the couch.

"Everything I'm gonna tell you now, can't leave this room." I said. "Not to the guys, not to the manger... not even to your or my family. Not even to the police" I said. He looked confused, yet curious. "I need you to promise me that you won't tell." I said. "I promise man." He said.

I started to tell him everything that happened, from the very first time I saw her - to the last time.

Lana's POV:

I put the suitcase on dad's desk. "Did you count?" He asked opening the suitcase, makes the 20,000 dollars appear. "Yes daddy. 20 thousand, just as you said." I said. "Good Lana. You're dismissed." He said. "Wait dad." I said before leaving. "What is it?" He asked.

"What about Emilia?" I asked. He looked at me, waiting for me to continue. "When will you take her out of the cell? I mean Bruno isn't here anymore, so what's the point?" I asked. "She disobeyed me." He said. "Ella tiene que aprender su lección. (=She must learn her lesson.)" He added. "I know papa..." I said. "But remember that she is still your daughter." I added and left the room.

Emilia's POV:

I was starving. I was exhausted. I was weak. I felt like I'm going to pass out any second. Sleepless nights, barely eating... And the loneliness was getting to me. I was going crazy. I should've listen to my father. I sat at the corner of the room, holding my knees to my chest and staring at the ground, lost in my thought. I am going crazy here.

The cell door slowly got opened. I looked up and saw a figure of a person. The bright light that came from behind the figure blocked the sight of the person. "Emilia?" My dad's voice was heard. I curled myself even more in to a ball shape at the dark corner. "Don't hit me papa" I whispered, putting my head between my body. I heard his footsteps coming closer and I got more panicked. Instead of hitting me, he lifted me up. The place started to spin as he carried me.

We eventually got in my room and he laid me in my bed. Just before I passed out, I could hear him say: "Lamento que mi hijo. Por favor, perdóname. (=I'm sorry my child. Please forgive me.)".



Hey guys. I really want to apologize for my slow updating! School is really tough right now and I got tons of tests, so it's hard to find some time to write, but I'm trying my best!

On top of that, I'm in an itty bitty writers block :/ as I'm saying to my friends here who asks for an advice of how dealing with a writers block, I'm gonna do just what I'm suggesting - I'm gonna think of the unexpected.

I want to thank all of you so much for the support in this story and in me! It's really means a lot to me<3


I love you all from the bottom of my heart<3

Love, Inbar <3

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