Chapter Seventeen

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Emilia's POV:

I was disgusted at the thoughts. I was also sad.

Ever since mom died, dad refused to do anything but running the mafia. He didn't even want to try to find another woman. He loved mom a lot. And I loved her too.

She was the complete opposite from dad. As you know what they say, opposite attracts. Mom was the good girl, who fell in love with the wrong boy. She was sweet and gentle, like an angel. Also looking like one.

I remember after my dad hit me for the first time on the age of 7, leaving that scar on the side of the neck... That was when mom was truly mad about him, for the first time. She screamed at him in Spanish, telling him it's the worst thing a father could do. He told her that's how I won't be rude. She kept on yelling at him, threatening that she is gonna leave. He then sincerely apologized, saying to her that he can't live without her. She forgave him eventually, just showing how strong their love was.

There was no mafia in the beginning. Dad would teach me home school. The mafia idea began when my mom passed. I just wished she'd be here, telling dad what a bad idea it is to have a mafia. He would listen to her.

But mostly, I'd wish she was here for me. I still remember her wiping my tears and holding my cheek, whispering softly to me, "No llores mi amor, eres hermosa mi hija. (=Don't cry my love, you're beautiful my daughter.)".

Without even noticing, tears were starting to go down my cheeks. I just ran away back to my room.

"Por favor perdóname mamá, (=Please forgive me mom,)" I whispered. "Por favor. (=Please.)"

Bruno's POV:

I was sitting at the bar, sipping on my drink. It got me to a flashback of when I first saw her. She ordered a strong drink, Martini-Vodka. Due to the strength of her drink, it didn't stop her from tricking me.

"Stop thinking about her man," Phil said, as if he was reading my mind. "There are tones of pretty ladies here, you just gotta choose." He added.

"Excuse me," a soft voice came from my left. I followed my gaze to the voice, seeing a beautiful girl. Her hair was short and full of bouncing curls. "Can I get a Piña Colada?" She asked the bartender. Phil elbowed me a bit, giving me a hint.

"Sweet drink," I said and she looked at me. "Just like you." I added and smiled, taking another sip from my drink. She smiled and blushes a little. "Thank you" she said and smiled. "So what's your name sweetheart?" I asked. "I'm Emily." She smiled. My heart pinched a bit, her name only reminding me that what I'm doing is not right. She smiled and thanked the bartender as he brought her her drink. "That's a beautiful name," I said. "I'm Bruno" I smiled and introduced myself. She let out a small giggle. "I know," she said. "I heard your songs." She smiled. "Dammit, I can't hide myself can't I?" I joked. "No, not really." She joked as well. "Would you like to dance Emily?" I asked. "Sure!" She smiled. I grabbed her hand and headed to dance floor with her.

The things I do to forget you, Emilia...

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