bun in the oven- dean

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Tahlia's POV

"Positive. Positive. Positive. Positive."

I read all four of the pregnancy tests sitting on the sink. I couldn't believe that I was pregnant, with Dean's kid. To top it all off he made it clear he didn't want kids soon, and didn't plan on having kids soon. He wanted to continue to live out his dream before the other things came about.

Tears flooded down my face as I gathered all of the tests and put them in a box, and tossed them outside in the dumpster. I wasn't going to tell him, I just had to keep it to myself until I got bigger.


Authors POV

Once Dean got home the next day from tour, he felt so relieved to be home for a week. When he opened the door he yelled for Thalia three times, but no answer.

He looked at the table and there was a note, saying she went to the doctor for her shots. He raised an eyebrow but ignored it, and chose to clean up around the house.

He picked up the trash last and went outside. Once he lifted it the other trash bag tilted over, and out fell two pregnancy tests. Dean immediately dropped the bag in his hand and picked them up, noticing they both said positive. He dug more in the bag and found two more, positive as well.

His heart dropped, more furious than happy. He loved Tahlia more than anything, but he made it clear what he wanted right now. A baby was not one of them.

He gathered them and put them in his back pocket, and sat on the couch until she got home. She arrived a half hour later and sat her purse down by the door.

"Hi honey." She squealed and he stood up, stopping her from hugging him.

"How was your appointment? Did it go well? Why'd you go again? I forgot."

"Physical. I haven't got one in a while." She walked around him and attempted to go upsatirs.

"Or was it because you wanted doctors to confirm you were pregnant instead of four or more tests that I found in the trash?" He said harshly. Tahlia turned around in shock, watching him pull them out and throw them at her.

"I fucking told you what I wanted Tahlia. Now you're pregnant? I thought you were taking birth control?" He ranted.

"Birth control doesn't always work, Jonathan. It's not my fault. It takes me and you to make a baby. Not just me. We're going to raise him or her together whether you like it or not."

"You trapped me. You knew I wanted to keep my dreams going and going for us, and then you end up pregnant? We've talked about this so many times, and I just knew you'd do this. Why? So you can leave and still get money out of me?" He yelled. That was all it took for Tahlia to slap him hard across the face.

"Money! That's what you actually think this is about?! I was with you when you had none! When we had none. I've never gave a damn about the money so why would I now? I would never stop you from chasing your dreams if anything I motivated you all the time when you wanted to give up or got frustrated. I never second guessed what you wanted to do even if I wanted to so bad. You can still follow your dreams and raise our kid. I want this, Jonathan more than anything. This was coming while you continued without protection and you know it! It's not just me." He stared at her while she cried and screamed.

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