Regular Morning

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I wake up to the sound of my phone buzzing. I look up and see Chloe fast asleep. I grab my phone and sneak into the bathroom.

"Hello?" I whisper, asking.

"Where are you? You didn't come home at all last night!" Mum asks, annoyed.

"I'm just at Chloe's mum, it's okay," I say, hearing her sigh in the background.

"Okay okay, just be home before dinner at least," she tells me.

"Fine," I say, ready to hang up.

"Bye," she says quickly before hanging up.

I look in the mirror and laugh. I forgot to wash my makeup off last night so it looks like I have two black eyes. I quickly pull my long brown hair into a messy bun and look inside the bathroom cabinet. I find some makeup remover wipes and clean my face.

I decide to go back to sleep, seeing that it was only 8:00 and no one is awake. I walk back into the room and fall onto the mattress. I flip my pillow to the colder side and doze off.

After about another two hours of sleep Chloe is now awake and jumping on my mattress to wake me up.

"Kennedy c'mon wake up!" She yells, with laughter.

I groan and roll over to get comfortable again. Chloe sighs, getting off my bed.

She starts playing music from her stereo. The song "She Know What She Doin' " comes on. I glare at her before closing my eyes.

"Really? Aaron Carpenter makes music too?" I ask, how is he so perfect?!

"Yep your future husband makes music too," she laughs. I get up, giving in. We dance to his song while laughing.

She is the best person to be around because she always knew how to make me smile.

Chloe pauses the music to ask if I am hungry. I'm starving but I really need to stop eating.

I went to a small get-together the other night and pigged out on chocolate and candy. I definitely gained weight so it made me avoid eating anything.

"Depends if it's healthy," I say.

Chloe glares at me then pulls me by the arm, out of her room and into the kitchen.

"Help yourself, but I'm having Nutella on toast!" she announces.

I open the fridge that is filled with fatty foods. The one thing that surprises me is that Chloe is as thin as a twig and she never stops eating while I ate healthy and I gain more weight.

I find an apple, just to eat it normally. I sit down on her white stool besides the bench and wait for her to finish.

Not long after she joins me. We eat in silence, figuring it is easier than trying to eat with our mouths full.

When Chloe is half way through eating her breakfast she heads upstairs. She comes back down and hands me my phone with her MacBook in her other hand.

"Thanks," I say, taking the it.

She opens her MacBook, going on Twitter. She scrolls through her news feed and yelps.

"What is it this time," I say.

"Taylor posted a tweet saying that he's looking forward to the next tour!" she exclaims, with the biggest smile on her face.

"Wait a second, is Taylor that boy that gets everyone hyped up when he's on stage?" I ask.

"Mhm," she hums.

"And the bandana guy?" I ask, laughing slightly.

"Sure is," Chloe laughs.

"What is Aaron's Twitter name?" I ask, unlocking my phone.

"I'm pretty sure it's just Aaron Carpenter with no space," she answers, typing something.

"Oh okay," I reply. I find it, then start looking through his account. I decide if I go on Instagram I can see more photos. After scrolling, I look at a photo in awe.

Chloe wiggles her eyebrows when she sees me smiling. "What are you looking at?"

"Just the cutest thing I have ever seen," I answer. I turn my phone towards her and she laughs.

"You already have his Instagram account?" she asks, amused.

"Well, yeah?" I blush.

"I do admit him and koalas are pretty cute," She says, snatching my phone from my hands.

"This is what I do when I see a cute photo," she tells me, turn screenshots it.

"You're welcome," she says, giving my phone back with a cheeky smile.

I roll my eyes and keep looking at his Instagram account.
The day went by quick and it is time for me to go. We spent the day watching YouTube and looking at MagCon vines, as well as me watching some of Aaron's videos. Chloe is obsessed with Cameron so we spent most of the time watching his videos.

It is almost five o'clock, which is when my family usually haves dinner. So I had to grab my bag and go.

"Well, I'll probably see you in like, two days. See ya!" I laugh and wave goodbye.

I walk out the front, pushing earbuds in once again. Chloe downloaded a few covers by Aaron on my phone so I just listened to them.

Eventually I arrive home with my mother waiting outside on the porch. Great. I walk up to her, waiting for her to tell me off or something.

"You're late," she huffs.

"Wait, how? It's only five past five," I say scrunching my eyebrows together.

"I hope you had dinner there because we did and there's none left," she tells me with a dirty look.

"That's okay, I'm not that hungry anyway," I say honestly before walking inside.

She follows me back inside and I go straight to my room. I unpack my bag, thinking about  how strange that was.

After I finish unpacking I ignore it and lay in bed on my laptop watching Netflix. I see that there was a new show called Chasing Cameron so I thought I might as well watch it. Only because Chloe told me Aaron Carpenter is in it.

Hearing Aaron's story was pretty sad, I mean I never thought of my divorced parents like that. Especially the way he thought about himself and his stepdad. My stepdad and I aren't that close thank god, but I'm only grateful for the fact he works for money. My mum always gets mad at me for not talking to him but she has no idea on what he does to me. Plus, he tries too much to be my dad, nothing can replace him. My dad is still alive, we just rarely see him, only sometimes for a weekend or something.

At some point I fell asleep with my earplugs in, listening to the covers from earlier on today.


Sorry for the crappy chapter!! I promise the next one will be a little bit more interesting 😂 Comment ideas on what drama there should be.. Always open to suggestions ☺️
Thank for reading ❤️ Byeeeeeee🌟

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