Chapter 52: I'm not that patient

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Mia's POV:

I'm about six weeks now. I've never seen Justin this happy before! He hates when he has to leave, but I tell him to enjoy it while he has the chance. But, today we're getting our first check-up! Justin is so hype right now! We're here right now.

" Mr. and Mrs.Bieber," Doctor Steve says. " Really, you can call me Mia, you know," I tell him. We go into the room and I'm asked a bunch of questions. " You excited?," Doctor Steve asks me. " Yep!," I reply. "You should have seen this one over here. He's so protective. I can't even walk five footsteps without him asking where I'm going," I tell him. Justin smiles. " Well, yeah. But, it just because I love you," Justin tells me. I smile.

" Okay," when did you find out?," the doctor asks me. " When I was two or three weeks," I answer. "Well, that seems great Mia," he tells me.


The check up is done. Me and Justin head home. " I'm so happy right now. We can finally have a baby. That's all I wanted for so long!," Justin shouts happily. " Yeah, I know. So, now I don't have to hear you saying it all the time. It drove me insane. I almost had to throw you off a bridge," I joke. I start laughing because of his reaction. He looks a little upset, but his lip was poked out.

Justin passes our house. " Where the heck are we going?," I ask. " We're going to get Big Macs because I know that's what you want," he tells me. " Well, you right. Did I ever tell you you're such a great husband?," I ask him. " You tell me all the time," he replies to me.


I hope you liked it! Look at the gif to the right! There's only a few chapters left now!

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