Chapter 12: What are you doing here?

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Mia's POV:

I'm home alone. Justin is hanging out with his friends. I told him to go because I want him to have fun. The doorbell rings. I walk to the door and answer it. It's Peter. He came all the way from London? "Ummmmmm, Peter?," I say confused. " Mia, we have to talk," he says. " Peter, I don't think you should be here. Did you fly all the way from London to see me?," I ask. " Yeah, I miss you Mia. I really wanna be with you. I know you're with Justin. But, I can't let you go. I've been on so many dates, just trying to get over you. It's not easy for me. I can't and I won't get over you. I can't let you be happily married with someone unless it's me," he explains to me. " He sounds insane now. " Peter, can you please just go. I'm married and I'm happy. Why can't you just be happy for me? I can't do this. I love Justin. I'm married to him. Just leave me alone. Please!," I plead to him. Peter is just ignoring me and not accepting the fact that I'm happy. I hear the back door open. I turn around and see Justin. " I sigh in relief. " Hey bab-," he stops talking at the sight of Peter. " Is everything okay babe?," Justin asks me while grabs my waist from behind and comforting me. " Peter was just leaving," I tell Justin. " No I'm not. Not without knowing that Mia loves me back," he tells Justin. " Bro, I think it's best if you just leave. Can't you just be happy for her? If you really care about her, you wouldn't be doing this," Justin tells him. " Oh, would you just save it? Wow, you married this guy? You call him your hubsand? I thought you were smarter than that Mia," Peter says. Justin gets mad and lets go of me. He goes closer to Peter. He clenches his fists. "Whoa, bro. You need to leave," Justin says. Peter looks straight at me. He looks so desperate. I turn away because I feel so bad for not being with him. Justin looks at me. He knows what I'm feeling. " Look, can you just leave. You're making Mia upset. Just leave bro," Justin yells at Peter. " No," Peter replies. Peter tries to come closer to me. Justin stops him. Peter pushes Justin. Justin clenches his jaw in anger. He's mad now. Justin pushes Peter come and tries to escort him out the house. Peter slaps Justin. " NOOOOO!," I shout. Before I could do anything, Justin punches Peter in the face and Peter tackles Justin to the ground. Peter is on top of Justin hitting him. I run to Peter and try to get him off of Justin. " Stop Peter," I command. Peter gets up and has an evil stare. He pushes me on the ground and I fall really hard. I have tears in my eyes now. Justin looks at me. This is about to get serious really fast.

Justin's POV:

Peter just pushed Mia on the ground. I feel myself get hot and angry. I get up and push him on the ground. I keep punching him. My fist is in the air, ready to punch him for the twentieth time, but Mia stops me. " Justin please," she pleads. I stop. " Now leave," I command Peter. I grab Mia and hold her. Peter leaves and closes the door behind him. I never want to him again. I look at Mia. " You okay?," I ask her. " Yeah," she replies. I hug her. She's mine and I never want to lose her. I love her.


Hope u like it! Haha

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