Chapter 50: He's so protective

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Mia's POV:

I took a pregnancy test a few days ago. I took it and I really am pregnant. Justin's so happy. He wants me to tell all the girls in one room. While he, will tell the guys in another place. But, yep. I'm pregnant. I was so worried about it, I was so scared. But, now that I am pregnant, it's not so bad right now.

I'm standing on top of the counter to hang up a painting that my mom had when she was in London before she died. It was a painting that I painted when I was five. It makes me feel like she still here.

I hear footsteps and I know it's Justin. I hear the footsteps stop. " Mia! What are you doing?," Justin asks me. " Umm, what do you mean what am I doing? I'm hanging up a painting," I reply to him, a little annoyed. He's probably gonna be like this for the next eight months. " You're gonna hurt yourself!," he shouts. " Justin, I'm fine," I tell him while getting down from the counter.

Justin grabs my waist. " Don't you do that ever again," he says. I laugh. I press my lips against his. "You're so protective of me," I say. " Well, no just of you, of our baby," he corrects me. " Oh, yeah. I forgot about it," I say while laughing. " What do you mean it? It's a baby. I want a boy," he says. " A boy?," I repeat. " I want a girl. It'll be nice to have a daughter," I explain to him.

" Well, the reason why I want a son before a daughter is because if anyone hurts my little princess, then her big bro can beat him up," he explains to me. "Awww," I say. I kiss his cheek. " Wait, you said son before a daughter. You're talking about multiple children here?," I ask. " Yep," Justin replies. "Whoa, slow down Justin. Let's focus on this one first," I tell him. Justin sighs. " Okay," he whines.

" Okay, I gotta go and tell all the guys. The girls should be here soon," he says. " Okay, bye," I say. He connects my lips to his. He looks down at my stomach. He kneels down. " I'll miss you. I love you so much. I can't wait until you come out. I promise to love you and your mommy," he says to my stomach. I smile. He kisses my stomach and gets up. He kisses me one last time and heads out the door to tell the guys the great news.


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