Chapter 30: Why every month?

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Mia's POV:

I'm laying in the bed with Justin. I flutter my eyes open and it's raining outside. I like when it's like that in the morning. I turn my head and there's Justin. I smile. Suddenly, I feel pain in my abdomen. I wince in pain. Justin opens his eyes. He's awake. " Hey beautiful," he says. I smile, but then the smile fades when I feel more pain. " You okay?," Justin asks me. " " Yeah Justin. I'm fine," I reply. I feel myself leak. Oh no.

I run to the bathroom and discover I have my period. Well, I'm not pregnant. I grab a pad from under the sink. I put the pad on and go back into the room where Justin is. " Babe, is everything okay?," he asks me again. " Yeah, it just.... Umm well...," I say uncertain to tell him what's going on. Justin gets up and walks towards me. I hold my abdomen again. " Mia, are you on your period?," he asks me. "Yeah, and these cramps are serious right now," I tell him. Well, you stay up here and turn on the TV. I'll go downstairs and get stuff," he tells me. " Okay," I reply. I relax on the bed and turn the TV on. The Titanic is on. I smile because I love this movie.

I watch the movie for twenty minutes and Justin not back yet. " Where is he?," I ask myself. I hear someone come in the house from downstairs. " He left?," I ask myself again. Justin walks up the stairs and walks in the room with icecream, candy, popcorn, and a dozen roses. " I'm back. These are for you," he says. He hands me the roses. " Awwwww, Justin. You didn't have to do that," I say with a smile. " Yeah, I did. I love you and you mean the whole world to me," he corrects me. I pull him close and press my lips against his. 

Justin's POV:

I brought Mia stuff and she's really happy. We're both watching the Titanic. We're at the part where the ship is sinking. I hear Mia sniffing. I look over at her and she's crying. I can't help but laugh. When girls are on their period they're hilarious. Mia notices and she has a mad face. " Really Justin? I'm over her bawling my eyes out and all you're doing is laughing?," she asks me angrily. "I'm sorry babe. It's just...," I stop talking when I realize I don't have a reason.  

Mia gets up and leaves the room. She walks down the stairs and I trail after her. " Mia," I call. She ignores me. I gently grab her arm and turn her to face me. " Mia, I love you. You know that," I say. I grab her waist. She tries to resists, but I pull her closer. " Mia, I'm sorry. I love you," I tell her. She smiles. " I love you, too," she says back. I kiss her and we go back upstairs to finish the movie.


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