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I slowly breathed in. My body was sore and my arms are burning. I'm in a cage. My arms are chained to silver. My energy is drained. I try to pull the chains but it just burns me more and the air smells like something's on fire.

"Well someone finally woke up." I recognize that voice. I can't turn around because I'm chained facing forward the wall. Jared. I'm not that shocked.

"Is Skylar in on this too?" I try to sound unscathed but my voice betrays me and cracks.

"You'd be surprised the things Skylar has done." His footsteps go farther so I know he left. I slowly breathe and try to heal a couple cuts. When they are healed I feel cold burning liquid on my back.Silver. I grunt in pain.

"Stop trying to heal yourself" Another voice says. Nathan.

"Why are you guys trying to do this ?"He doesn't answer instead he throws more silver at me. Surprisingly it doesn't hurt anymore. I pretend to be hurt. I have to put on some show.

"Shut up or our boss will kill you"He leaves. I don't heal my cuts. Somehow the silver makes me stronger. I lightly tug on the silver chain on my arm. It breaks. I can leave. No I need to get the information. Like who is the boss? I need more silver. I need to tell everyone I'm okay. I put my hand on the puddle of silver next to me. My hand absorbs it up.

"Jasper I'm ok"

"What happened? Where are you?"

"I don't know but tell everyone I'm okay."


"I don't think Skylar is on our side. Nathan and Jared are one of the traitors. Mindlink my parents. I need more silver to contact them."

"Did you just say silver. ARE YOU CRAZY!"He mind links me

"I'll explain later someone's coming"

The footsteps come closer.

"Stop making noise."The stranger throws a whole bucket of silver on me. I pretend it hurts. I start rolling around in the puddle to absorb it up. I let out a yell. I can hear the stranger smirk and walk away.

"Ariel" my wolf


"You might transform to a wolf any time"


"The silver is giving you power and we need to shift to get new powers"


"If you shift your cover is blown"


I hear people coming and talking about me so I pretend to be asleep. I hear four voices. Two of them are Nathan and Jared. The other two are strangely familiar. But who. I hear in on their conversation.

"Are we supposed to kill her"

"No the boss wants her alive so he can kill her for the prophecy" What prophecy are they talking about? Who is the boss?

"If we kill her we are dead"

"He has to be the angel to live"

"It's a yin and yang thing" I pretend to wake up. My angel and wolf are dieting to be let out.

"Shh she's awake"







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