October 2016 Update

109 6 3

Table of Contents:

- Future Updates: Sky Writers, Lets be Sinners to be Saints, Sophrosyne, Dazzling Lights, A Yandere-esque Story (x2), NEW Fandomwide Project?

- ღ✎Authoress's Noteღ✎: Nonsensical babbling about life


Future Updates: Sky Writers

Finally, finally, finally!~ We're getting into the plot aspect of the actually story, give this to meeee. I've needed this in my life~ Well not to say that everything else was prior, but it was a lot of setting the stage and character development for Rea-tan.

All jokes asides, things are going to be happening quick from here on out! You're going to meet a good number of characters from crossovers and I'm going to have manipulated their backstories ever so slightly for my own purposes. Pay attention though ;) You never know what's going to come next.

I was curious though if you guys had any comments/critiques about things like plot, character development, writing style, etc. I've just been wondering a lot about your opinions and how you're enjoying the storyline so far now that things have really changed up! Have you enjoyed the characters you've met despite the fact that most KH/FF characters haven't really made an appearance yet? Things like that really!


Future Updates: Lets be Sinners to be Saints

It's hard writing for an ongoing series, at least when you're me. I always want to know my canon facts and then use that to back up the character's motivations, but I can't quite do that when you don't have everything yet. That's not going to stop me thanks to how I structure the story, but just in terms of the story itself, it does make me a bit hesitant overall.

Though I do know where I'm going, it just doesn't have the rush of inspiration it did at the very start of things aha~


Future Updates: Sophrosyne

I got dragged back into Fire Emblem Awakening and struck by feels all over again. I wrote out the outline for the next chapter in the margin of my notes for some class, and I like the story direction so I just might end up publishing that very soon~ (She says hopefully)


Future Updates or Lack Thereof: Dazzling Lights

Dazzling Lights... May be at risk for being discontinued. Hmm. It's just that I have lost the initial muse I started with, though I still want to have something set in a different world, with the Kuroko no Basuke / Free! / Ouran High School Host Club boys. It'll take a little more world-building first, on my behalf however. I can tell you think though, it'll be set in an AU, and I got my inspiration from two things.




(AKA the first ending of Free, BRACE YOUR FEELS!!!)

;D So I hope you guys can forgive me for abandoning my initial plans yet again. I might come back to the original Dazzling Lights someday, but I have more inspiration for this new plot.


Future Updates: A Yandere-esque Story? (or two)

I usually don't like buying into trends or doing something of the like, but there are certain aspects of yanderes that fascinate me. Just the idea of being able to being so deluded in love that you would destroy the thing you love in order to keep it to yourself. Their affection deprived personalities. How far they're willing to go in the name of their delusion? IT'S ALL SO INTERESTING.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2016 ⏰

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