December 2015 Update

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December 2015 Update:

All right, thought you guys deserved a little status report after all the insanity that has already happened. Though hey, I've noticed that a lot of people have been active lately, and that's an awesome feeling to have after the fandom has been so damn dead for so damn long aha! I have to bug you and ask that you take the time to read things through because there are a few things I'd like to get your perspectives on~ I HIGHLY recommend taking the time to read through the KH/FF Stuff no matter what fandom you're in, because the crossover life just got 10 times more intense (though Voltage MAY be an exception, you'd have to check it out to figure out.)

Table of Contents:

1. Dazzling Lights

2. Crown Dorks

3. The Art of Happiness

4. It's Wizardry, My Dear Muggles

5. KH/FF Stuff (And there is a LOT of KH/FF stuff) AND Future Crossovers.

1. Dazzling Lights

I just got the update for this out about a month ago or something like that. I'll be sure to keep updating this because the feels for these precious dorks just don't go away nice and easy like that. I never say I'm going to commit to an updating routine since I know that the word routine is like death to my inspiration, but I am going to try and type a little bit a night so that it won't be a ridiculous wait like last time.

And again, I've got to emphasize that anyone in the KnB and Free fandom should probably check out number four.

2. Crown Dorks

Not really much to say here. Honestly speaking it's the least of my priorities when it comes to writing. I think I might actually rewrite the first chapter because I don't like how I presented everything, looking back. It's not going to be anything major really, just a quick editing session because I'm a terrible person. I keep forgetting that I haven't finished the second chapter yet, so I'll keep that in mind while trying to figure out what to work on.

But with the lovely voltage inc sale, expect a post sometime in January because of my ridiculous feels.

3. The Art of Happiness

Not quite my priority either, I didn't have anything planned for this chapter actually so I should really get to doing that. It's mainly going to be me figuring out when and how to introduce the characters from each of the different fandoms and whatnot.

4. It's Wizardry, My Dear Muggles

I'm actually working on organizing all of this at the moment. I was going to make an OC sheet and all of that because I felt like doodling, and that inspired me to actually start planning for it. So, any who, I'm going to be planning for it again, though with everything else I'd wait for more action in February. 

5. KH/FF Stuff

Of course the big issue of topic here is my book Sky Writers. You guys know I've dumped all my old versions into the Book: Lost Stars. But then there's still Sky Writers. Sky Writers is the first of four books in a series, so you can imagine why I want to get this thing off the ground rolling when I start the rewrite. There is also a giant amount of fandoms (even more than there was), and I've got an updated list for all of you at the end of this. Most importantly, here's the thing with Sky Writers and my other giant crossovers like Semi-Automatic and the three others I plan on releasing soon and also one of the most driving factors behind my rewrite.

They're all intertwined. Every giant KH/FF Crossover I write is intertwined.

Semi-Automatic, Road to the Throne, Impossibly Impossible, and another whose title I haven't decided yet- they'll all play their roles in Sky Writers at some point.

Liz's Book of Shit✐ Announcements, Miscellaneous, and Randomness! ✐Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora