Teaser 1 (Sky Writers) The Truth About Having Heart

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He had never felt whole.

His entire life was a joke and his existence was the punchline. How the hell were you supposed to be complete when you were missing a heart? He tried talking to Axel about it once, how it was physically possible for them to function without a beating heart to pump blood through their veins and keep the body working as it should.

The only response that he got was a warning not to ask those kinds of questions unless he didn't want to turn into a mad scientist like Vexen.

But he had to ask. If knowing could fill that void, then he would ask over and over again until he got his answer. He just wanted an answer. Something to believe in.

And then she came along...

"You know what Roxas, slap me if I'm being insensitive, but I think I figured something out. It doesn't matter if you don't have a heart."

How could she say that without hesitating? How could she say that without looking at me like I was some freak born from the darkness, something that shouldn't even exist?

"You have the emotions don't you? You have your personality. You have a place for the people you care about. Heart or no heart, you're more than capable of feeling, isn't that more important than a squishy blood filled organ?"

Maybe it was just your aura abilities. Maybe it was the way you were raised. Maybe it was those damn eyes. Those damn eyes that stared so closely at him that he saw himself reflected in them. Those eyes weren't looking at Sora, the Somebody; those eyes weren't looking at Ventus, the Original; those eyes were looking at Roxas, the Nobody.

Those eyes were the only thing he had to blame for the hooded figure across from him. Alliances shifted, a friend turned enemy, and he knew he had to take a stand against his former friend. Even if it was for the Somebody that he'd never met, his nonexistent heart had taken control and he couldn't just sit back and watch this happen. 

"Don't you get it Roxas, if I get rid of him, then you can be whole! You can finally have a heart!"

Roxas shook his head, tightening his grip on his Keyblade. "It doesn't matter."

"Do you even hear what you're saying? What kind of bullshit have you been brainwashed with?"

"Someone gave me an answer that I can believe in. That's the person I trust. So what do you believe in? Who can you trust?" Roxas glared at the hooded figure. His grip on his Keyblade tightened, and a strong wind blew as he felt the weapon in his hand shifting. The blade in front of him disappeared, and yet even without it, he had faith it was there.

He didn't need a heart to have heart, and that was the only truth he needed.

ღ✎Authoress's Noteღ✎ : I have far too much fun writing for Roxas, even though I originally intended to write for another character. I also have 0 regrets on all of this, so go figure. When does this scene actually happen you may ask? When the hell was Roxas introduced? Well, good questions eventually get answers, you'll figure out when we get there. If you enjoyed this little teaser then be sure to give feedback (AKA RANT ABOUT YOUR FEELS and do feel free to critique my writing if you want) and thank cloudychameleon for being the first to leave a giant rambly comment like I'd asked, answering most (if not all) of the miscellaneous suggestions I had to get a teaser. Remember, this kind of thing is open for all the stories I'm currently writing, so get to work with your rambly comments if you want another teaser~ ;)

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