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When man was beginning their time on Earth, there were celestial beings that lived in the heavens waiting for the lifeless Earth to bring life. They were all going to love and care for the humans, but one being was selfish. It was a very handsome and powerful celestial being. It had everything it ever wanted, but it wanted more power. It wanted authority over the other celestial beings. It wanted to play God. So with some helpers, that it was able to influence, it started a war with the celestial beings.

It was a terrifying battle that cost many lives. But the Enemy lost and was cast out from its home. It pledged vengeance against them, saying it would return to fulfill its work. But later when man started to do sinful things to each other the Enemy took the chance to strike. Man tried their greatest to defend their home, but nothing could prepare them for this attack. Then when all hope was lost the other celestial beings came to aide and attacked their once loved friends. The Enemy hid in the underworld, planning to take over Heaven and Earth. And nothing will stop 

Some of the people on Earth thanked their Creator and pledged their loyalty. Because of that their  descendants are still alive today. They call themselves D.H.B. (Descendants of Heroes from the Bible). There is a hidden camp that recruits and trains D.H.Bs to fight the Enemy's forces. Many have died trying to fight the evil forces to bring safety for the ones that can't see. But there is an ancient prophecy that was made to give hope to the descendants.

   An ancient evil will rise from its slumber and bring havoc upon the land. But a long forgotten promise will also rise and will bring back peace, but not without sacrifices. 

—First page of the Judgment prophecy.

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