Chapter 68

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I woke up as I feel my stomach not really good. I went out from the bed room and make a little run to the bathroom and vomit there.

"Baby, you okay?" Sam walks to the bathroom.

I just nodded then wash my mouth on the wastavel until my stomach doesnt feel good again and I start vomit again on the wastavel.

Sam rubs my back and folded my hair so it wont bothering me. My stomach finally feels normal. I wash my mouth and my hand on the wastavel and still standing in front of the wastavel.

"Feeling better now?" Sam asks me.

I just nodded and wipe my tears. My eyes watering because of I vomit not because I'm crying. Sam suddenly pull my body and hugs me then rubs my back.

"Go back to sleep now." Sam says as he put his hand around my shoulder and let me enter his room.

I go back enter his room and look at the clock and it's 2am. God, my unborn baby woke me up in the early morning.

Sam walks in and bring a glass of water then give me that. I take the glass he gave me and drink the water then place the glass on the side table.

"I woke you up." I said to Sam.

"Our unborn baby woke us up." Sam strokes my hair. "Go back to sleep now." Sam says to me and layin his body on the bed.

I lay my body on the bed next to him. I take the blanket to cover my body. Sam moves his body make aslant facing me and strokes my belly.

My eyes is still open and I cant sleep. I move my body make aslant backing him but I still cant sleep. God, my baby woke me up amd now I cant go back to sleep.

I move my body make aslant facing Sam and trying to close my eyes but I still can hear and feel Sam's breath blow through my skin. I go back move my body and layin on the bed.

I cant stop moving and trying to find a comfort position to sleep until Sam open his eyes and I woke him up again.

"What's wrong?" Sam asks me.

"I cant sleep and trying to find a comfort position." I said to him. "You just sleep, you have work tomorrow."

"Wanna move to your room? Maybe our baby want to sleep there." Sam asks me and sit up from the bed.

"Sam, I'm sorry I woke you up again."

"The baby is the one who woke me up. We just need to follow what our unborn baby wants. Come on." Sam takes my doll and stand up then show me his hand.

"I dont wanna sleep with that doll anymore." I shake my head.

"Okay, we save that doll. Come on, you need to rest." Sam takes my hand and walk lead me.

I sigh and walk out from his room until we enter my room. Sam turn on the light then close the door. I lay my body on my bed and then Sam turns off the light and layin his body next to me.

I make aslant backing him until Sam put his hand around my belly and hug me from behind and make me lean my head on his chest.

Suddenly I'm yawning and my sleepy feel is back. "You're right. Our baby want to sleep here." I said to Sam.

"Okay just sleep now. Sweetie pie, dont make difficult for your mom, she still have college tomorrow." Sam strokes my belly.

I just smiling and close my eyes. Sam kisses my head and still strokes my belly. This is a feel to be a pregnant mom and it's amazing.


I make a cup of herbal tea for my breakfast then look at my phone and read the text from Quinn. I asked her about to avoid morning sickness since Rachel got evening sickness and that's not really hard to hold.

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