Chapter 76

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New Directions's Homecoming

"Babe, you dont bring my black suit from New York?" Sam went out from the wardrobe room.

"I'm forget. You can borrow Cooper's one, honey." I said to Sam while changing Logan's clothes.

"Which one?" Sam asks.

I let out a sigh and leave Logan who is laying on my bed then walk to the wardrobe room. I take Cooper's black suit also his tie then give it to Sam.

"Mom is okay if I leave theese babies with her?" Sam asks while wear that suit.

"I'm fine. You guys better hurry before it will be late. Besides that Carole take care of Belle so I will take care of my prince charming." Mom walks in and take Logan and lift him up.

"They are not fussy baby, they love sitting on the carpet floor playing with their toys or watching cartoon." I said to mom while fix Sam's tie.

"I get it dont worry." Mom says as she smiles at Logan.

"Oh their food is in the cupboard in the kitchen." I said and take my handbag.

"B, I have two sons and a daughter and they are still alive until now. I can handle that. Dont worry too much." Mom rolls her eyes.

"Just call me or Sam when they cant stop crying. We will be back home immediately." I kiss mom's cheek and my sons's cheek.

"Have fun mommy and daddy, dont worry about us because nana is here." Mom chuckles.

"See you guys! Dont make difficult for Nana." I wave them a goodbye and walk off with Sam.

"Dont worry too much, they will be fine with mom. She is their grandmother and she has more experience in handling baby than you." Sam strokes my hair.

"Alright calm down, Bianca." I sigh.

"Just pretend that we are having a date today." Sam smirks at me and get to the car.

"Just hope that Landon wont be spoilt to mom." I said and get into the car.

Sam pushes my head closer to him and kiss my forehead. "Dont worry too much, they will be fine. I know that you never leave them but we have to for today." Sam hold my hand and start driving.

I just let out a sigh and start positive thinking. This is first time I left my twin babies even though they are with my mom who is also their grandmother but I kinda worried.

Today Sam and I have a homecoming with New Directions and we cant bring our babies so we decided to leave them with my mom.

So today William McKinley High School class of 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015 who ever being a part of New Directions have to come today and celebrate this day.

On the invitation, Mr. Schue wrotes that today is celebrating 5th years anniversary of New Directions and I'm kinda excited about this actually.

Twenty minutes and we finally arrived in McKinley. Sam parks the car and we went out from the car. We used dad's car since everytime we are in Lima and he used Cooper's car to went to work.

Sam takes my hand and hold my hand then we enter the gymnasium. Actually it will be cool if we can held the homecoming in choir room but I know that it wont fill enough there.

"Welcome to New Directions's homecoming!" The host says from the microphone.

"Where is the twins?" Blaine come me and Sam.

"I left it with mom." I sigh.

"Dont ask about that because Bianca will be freaked out because she left the twins with their grandma." Sam says to Blaine.

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