Chapter 36

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Glee Club

"We will face Throat Explotions for nationals." Mr. Schue says to us.

"What? You've gotta be kidding me, Mr. Schue." Tina shake her head.

"They spend their times only for rehearse, they dont even go to class. And we are bunch of Katy Perry here and they are like Lady Gaga." Blaine sighs.

"Bianca, you will have solo for nationals." Mr. Schue points at me.

"Excuse me, Mr. Schue. Last year I can beat Unique Adams from Vocal Adrenaline but we are gonna face Jean Baptise from Throat Explotions." I frown at Mr. Schue.

"I'm not part of Vocal Adrenaline anymore." Unique sighs.

"Jean Baptise is just like another Jesse St James, Bianca. You killed the last year nationals." Mr. Schue says to me.

"But they wont predict that I will get a solo again?" I raise my eyebrows.

"No. We are gonna facing the another show choir." Mr. Schue says.

"But for this time, let me pick my own song." I said to Mr. Schue.

"Yes, you can." Mr. Schue nods. "Alright, our theme for this week is Katy or Gaga." Mr. Schue says as he wrote in the white board.

"Katy Perry or Lady Gaga?" Tina frown.

"Yes. So we will divided into two team. Team Katy and Team Gaga. Well who claim that you are Lady Gaga?" Mr. Schue asks.

Tina, Kitty, Unique, Jake, and I raise our hands together.

"Okay so the rest are Katy Perry." Mr. Schue says.

"Mr. Schue is there any other option?" Ryder asks.

"No, Ryder." Mr. Schue shake his head.

"Well, I'm join Katy's team." Ryder says.

"Alright here is your assignment. You both already divided into two teams and the team will sing and dress opposite things than their character. Which mean Team Gaga will sing Katy's song and Team Katy's will sing Gaga song also with costume because it's time for you guys our from your comfort zone." Mr. Schue says.

"And team." Blaine added.

"Yeah you guys will be working on team." Mr. Schue says.

"If there is Demi Lovato options. I'll be proud to say that I'm the new Demi." I said.

"Alright, you can start tomorrow." Mr. Schue says to us and walks off.

"And after this assignment we will have Senior Prom!" Tina says excitedly.

"You sounds so excited, Tina." Blaine chuckles.

"Of course I am." Tina says proudly.

"Well to the team Gaga. Meet in my house tonight at seven." Kitty says.

"Alright. See you guys, I have a class." I take my ransel and walk off from the choir room.

"Hey we are not in the same team." Sam says as he put his hand around my shoulder.

"I know because I'm not really Katy but that's fine because my team is full with girl only Jake is the guy." I said to him.

Suddenly there is a woman walk passed us and wink at Sam. I look at Sam and he give her a smile. What the hell it is?

"Who is she?" I raise my eyebrows.

"I dont even know who is she. She wink at me so I gave her a smile." Sam giggle.

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