Chapter 58

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Sam's POV

I enter the NYU hallways and looking for Artie. He told me that he got something. It's been two days Bianca ignores Austin and everytime he came to our apartment his mouth smells alcohol and his face like a drunk people.

"Sam!" Artie called me.

I turn my face and walk to Artie. "What did you get?"

"Come here." Artie wheels lead me.

I take his wheelchairs and help him to push his wheelchair as he guide me to somewhere else until we enter an empty room with some people inside.

"These people are Austin's victim." Artie wheels his wheelchairs closer to them.

"Victim?" I raise my eyebrows.

"As what I got Austin's father is not own a restaurant. He didnt come from Nashville. He came from Vegas. He is not freshman but a sophomore. He is a pimp also alcohol dealer." Artie says to me.

"What? After all this time, he lied to Bianca?" I frown.

"You can listen to their explains." Artie wheels back to me.

"My name is Harold. I used to stay in the same apartment with him but I kicked him out because he almost sell me to a milf." The first guy said.

"My name is Victor. At first he told me he was a gay until he started to sleep with my girlfriend." Second guy said.

"He slept with different girl everynight and he tried to sell some innocents guys to milf and then he get the money. Sounds cool but I dont want to have sex and then get money. This is a real life not a porn movie." Third guy says.

"Tell your girl to stay away from Austin. I'm his ex girlfriend and I'm pregnant with his baby." A girl says sadly.

"You sure it is his?" I frown.

"I never do that with someone else because when we did it I was virgin. Please I dont want to any girl become his victim." That girl cries.

"And the rest knows Austin as the alcohol dealer and that's why nowadays he came to your aparment with a mouth smells alcohol." Artie says to me.

"Damn!!!!" I kicked a chair. "After all this time he act to be a nice guy? I wont let him get my girl anymore. I need to find him and warn him to stay away from Bianca." I said angrily.

Suddenly my phone is ringing. A call from Bianca? I pick up the phone in hurry.

"Yes, B?"

"Sam, where are you now? I'm afraid. Austin cant stop knocking our apartment door. I'm alone right now. He is drunk." Bianca's crying.

"I'll get home. Just lock the door and cover the door with anything. I'll be there." I hung up the phone.

"What happened?" Artie asks me.

"He is in front of my apartment again and Bianca is alone. He is drunk and I need to safe her. Thanks bro for your help. You too guys. We need to clear that guy from earth." I said to them and run away to get into my apartment in hurry.

I need to save Bianca. I need to save her from that sucks guy. I though he was a good guy but no I was totally wrong.

I keep running until I get into my apartment building. I take the stairs and keep running until I got to the apartment corridor and my apartment door is closing.

I could hear someone yells voice inside then I see Bianca hold a fork to warn him to stay away from her because he is kind of crazy now.

"You dont belong to her!" I hit him.

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