Chapter 27

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"Mom, who the hell place a brown mouse with christmas hat in the kitchen?" Cooper yells.

I run from living room to the kitchen to avoid Cooper throw my hamster away. "It's a hamster not a mouse. It's christmas present from Sam." I yell back.

"I almost throw this mouse to a trash." Cooper says.

"It's a hamster not a mouse!!!!!" I groan.

"Whatever it is but it's looks like a mouse." Cooper simply says and walks off from the kitchen.

"Mr. Andervans, you okay? Uh I will tell Sam to move you to his house when that suck guy is here." I mumble and bring that hamster cage to another place. "Now your save here. If I left you in the outsidd I'm afraid that some wild dog will eat you so you better stay here."

"What's that, honey?" Mom asks me.

"A brunette mouse." Cooper simply answer.

"It's a hamster not a brunette mouse, idiot!" I yell.

"Wow from Sam? It's cute. What is the name?" Mom asks me.

"Yes, it's Mr. Andervans." I chuckle.

"Mr. Andervans?" Mom frowns.

"Yes this is a boy hamster and Andervans is Anderson-Evans." I chuckle.

"Oh alright. Make sure that you wont forget to give him food. Dont place it on the backyard or some wild animal will eat him. Now, tell your dad the dinner is ready." Mom smiles at me.

"Yes, sir!" I chuckle and walk off to my parents's office.

We will have dinner as the christmas eve. Only four of us since Blaine went to New York this morning.

"Dad?" I open the door slowly.

"Oh hey, I was preparing this." Dad smiles at me.

I walk in and he is preparing for the christmas present. "Wow. For whom?" I ask.

"One for you." Dad give me a pink box. "This with bowtie for Blaine. And the other one for Cooper." Dad says to me.

"Can I open it?" I ask.

"Sure. Just open." Dad nod.

I open the box dad gave me and I got one full-set painting kit with full colour and high quaility one. I love this.

"Dad, thank you so much!" I hug dad.

"Haha it's okay, Blaine told me that you really love painting and sketching so I only can give this and now it's my turn. What you have for me?" Dad asked me.

"Close your eyes." I chuckle.

"Alright princess." Dad close his eyes.

I just smiling at him and kiss his cheek. "You're the best father in the world." I whisper at him. "Done." I chuckle.

Dad open his eyes slowly. "Only that? Haha well that's fine." Dad chuckles.

"I dont know what should I give for you. You already have everything. I was about to give you new Range Rover Sport but my money isnt enough. I have to sell Cooper to TV so I can get that money."

"You are my gift, my happiness, my everything, all I want to do only make you happy. You're happy and I will be happy." Dad smiles at me.

"Why you become more sweet than Sam?" I chuckle.

"Because I know you since you were born. You dont know that you reserve your first smile to me?"

"Seriously?" I raise my eyebrows.

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