Chapter 63

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Blaine and Kurt already married and they decided to postpone the honeymoon until the New Year and since that wedding, Kurt stays in my home like really, him and Blaine are married now.

Tomorrow is Christmas and tonight is Christmas eve. Today is December 24th and which mean that today is my birthday! Finally!

I look around my room as I woke up but I dont see anything. Ah I dont get any surprise or something now. I was really wish I would get a surprise.

I'm sitting down on my bed still with blanket cover my half body. I take my phone from my side table but I dont get any text or anything. Even Sam didnt text me or something. Oh God.

I guess that everyone is forget about my birthday now since they're busy with Blaine's new family.

I sigh and walk to the bathroom. I'm standing in front of the wastavel and about to wash my face but the water didnt come out.

"Blaine!" I yell and enter Blaine's room but it's empty. I turn my way to Cooper's room but it also empty.

I walk to his bathroom and about to wash my face but the water didnt come out from the tap. Also the one in Blaine's room. What the hell wrong with this house now.

I sigh and went out from my room. My face and my hair is still look messy. Snowy run my feet and lick it. I brough her here since nobody take her care in New York.

"Daddddd, the tap in my room is not working." I yell as I walk to the downstairs.

No answer.

Is dad and mom still have works today? I mean this is Christmas eve and they should got day off.

"John, the tap in my room is not working. You there?" I called my housekeeper.

No answer.

I keep walking to downstairs and look around. Why this house is so quiet. I look at the watch and it's only 10am. Where are the others?

"Happy birthday!!!"

Oh damn! They surprised me with this. Sam bring a birthday cake with candle on it. And the others bring party hat and balloons and many things.

"Is it a dream?" I raise my eyebrows.

"It's not a dream." Sam smiles at me. "Make a wish, first." Sam chuckles.

I blow up the candle and make a wish. I though that my family forget my birthday but I was wrong, they made a surprise for me.

"Happy birthday, my princess." Sam smiles at me.

"Aww thank you." I smile back at him and give him a hug.

"Nobody says happy birthday to me? This is also my birthday." Blaine protest.

"I did that last night, on midnight." Kurt says to Blaine.

"Kurt, Blaine is sleepyhead. It's useless you say happy birthday to him on midnight, he wouldnt hear that." I roll my eyes.

"True." Cooper nod as agree.

"From now, no one of you can sleep with me." Blaine pouted at Cooper and I.

"Haha just kidding, happy birthday, Kurt's husband." I chuckle.

"Thank you, Sam's fiancé. Happy birthday to you too." Blaine chuckles.

Mom takes the cheesecake from Sam's hand and place it on the dining table. I rub my eyes then yawning because I feel like I'm still sleepy and it's like I was dreaming.

"I have my gift for you." Sam says to me.

"What's that?" I raise my eyebrows.

Sam takes something from the refrigerator until he takes a big bucket of vanila ice cream and give me a spoon.

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